public documentation

Documentation for PhyloNetworks's public (exported) interface.

functions & types

biconnectedcomponents(network, ignoreTrivial=false)

Calculate biconnected components (aka "blobs") using Tarjan's algorithm.

Output: array of arrays of edges.

  • the length of the array is the number of blobs
  • each element is an array of all the edges inside a given blob.

These blobs are returned in post-order, but within a blob, edges are not necessarily sorted in topological order. If ignoreTrivial is true, trivial components (of a single edge) are not returned. The network is assumed to be connected.

Warnings: for nodes, fields k and intn1 are modified during the algorithm. They are used to store the node's "index" (time of visitation), "lowpoint", and the node's "parent", as defined by the order in which nodes are visited. For edges, field boole2 is modified, to store whether the edge has been already been visited or not.


  • p. 153 of Tarjan (1972). Depth first search and linear graph algorithms, SIAM Journal on Computing, 1(2):146-160
  • on geeksforgeeks, there is an error (as of 2018-01-30): elif v != parent[u] and low[u] > disc[v]: (python version) should be replaced by elif v != parent[u] and disc[u] > disc[v]:
  • nice explanation at this url
biconnectedcomponents(node, index, S, blobs, ignoreTrivial)

Helper recursive function starting at a node (not a network). index is an array containing a single integer, thus mutable: order in which nodes are visited.


Find blobs using biconnectedcomponents; find their roots using blobinfo; create a forest in the form of a disconnected network (for efficiency), by deconnecting the root of each non-trivial blob from its parent. The root of each blob corresponds to a new leaf (in another tree of the forest): the number of the blob's root is given to the newly created leaf.

The first (bang) version modifies the network and returns the array of blob roots. The second version copies the network then returns a tuple: the forest and the array of blob roots.


  • the forest is represented by a single HybridNetwork object, on which most functions don't work (like writenewick, plotting etc.) because the network is disconnected (to make the forest). Revert back to low-level functions, e.g. printedges and printnodes.
  • see biconnectedcomponents for node attributes modified during the algorithm.
calibratefrompairwisedistances!(net, distances::Matrix{Float64},

Calibrate the network to match (as best as possible) input pairwise distances between taxa, such as observed from sequence data. taxon_names should provide the list of taxa, in the same order in which they they are considered in the distances matrix. The optimization criterion is the sum of squares between the observed distances, and the distances from the network (weighted average of tree distances, weighted by γ's). The network's edge lengths are modified.

Warning: for many networks, mutiple calibrations can fit the pairwise distance data equally well (lack of identifiability). This function will output one of these equally good calibrations.

optional arguments (default):

  • checkpreorder (true)
  • forceMinorLength0 (false) to force minor hybrid edges to have a length of 0
  • ultrametric (true) to force the network to be
    • time-consistent: all paths from the root to a given node must have the same length, so the age of this node is well-defined, and
    • ultrametric: all tips are at the same distance from the root, so have the same age.
  • NLoptMethod (:LD_MMA) for the optimization algorithm. Other options include :LN_COBYLA (derivative-free); see NLopt package.
  • tolerance values to control when the optimization is stopped: ftolRel (1e-12), ftolAbs (1e-10) on the criterion, and xtolRel (1e-10), xtolAbs (1e-10) on branch lengths / divergence times.
  • verbose (false)
checkroot!(net::HybridNetwork, membership::Dict{Node, Int})

Set the root of net to an appropriate node and update the edges containroot field appropriately, using the membership output by treeedgecomponents. A node is appropriate to serve as root if it belongs in the root tree-edge component, that is, the root of the tree-edge component graph.

  • If the current root is appropriate, it is left as is. The direction of edges (via ischild1) is also left as is, assuming it was in synch with the existing root.
  • Otherwise, the root is set to the first appropriate node in net.node, that is not a leaf. Then edges are directed away from this root.

A RootMismatch error is thrown if net is not a valid semidirected phylogenetic network (i.e. it is not possible to root the network in a way compatible with the given hybrid edges).

Output: the membership ID of the root component. The full set of nodes in the root component can be obtained as shown below. Warning: only use the output component ID after calling the second version checkroot!(net, membership).

julia> net = readnewick("(#H1:::0.1,#H2:::0.2,(((b)#H1)#H2,a));");

julia> membership = treeedgecomponents(net);

julia> rootcompID = checkroot!(net, membership);

julia> rootcomp = keys(filter(p -> p.second == rootcompID, membership));

julia> sort([n.number for n in rootcomp]) # number of nodes in the root component
3-element Vector{Int64}:

Update the internal attribute net.vec_int1. Used for plotting the network. In the major tree, all nodes in a given clade are consecutive. On a tree, this function also provides a pre-ordering of the nodes. The edges' direction needs to be correct before calling cladewiseorder!, using directedges!

deletehybridthreshold!(net::HybridNetwork, threshold::Float64,
                       nofuse=false, unroot=false, multgammas=false,

Deletes from a network all hybrid edges with heritability below a threshold gamma. Returns the network.

  • if threshold<0.5: delete minor hybrid edges with γ < threshold (or with a missing γ, for any threshold > -1.0)
  • if threshold=0.5: delete all minor hybrid edges (i.e normally with γ < 0.5, if γ non-missing)
  • nofuse: if true, do not fuse edges and keep original nodes.
  • unroot: if false, the root will not be deleted if it becomes of degree 2.
  • multgammas: if true, the modified edges have γ values equal to the proportion of genes that the extracted subnetwork represents. For an edge e in the modified network, the inheritance γ for e is the product of γs of all edges in the original network that have been merged into e.

-keeporiginalroot: if true, the root will be retained even if of degree 1.


  • by default, nofuse is false, partner hybrid edges are fused with their child edge and have their γ changed to 1.0. If nofuse is true: the γ's of partner hybrid edges are unchanged.
  • assumes correct ismajor fields, and correct ischild1 fields to update containroot.
deleteleaf!(HybridNetwork, leafName::AbstractString; ...)
deleteleaf!(HybridNetwork, Node; ...)
deleteleaf!(HybridNetwork, Integer; index=false, ...)

Delete a node from the network, possibly from its name, number, or index in the network's array of nodes. The first two versions require that the node is a leaf. The third version does not require that the node is a leaf: If it has degree 3 or more, nothing happens. If it has degree 1 or 2, then it is deleted.

keyword arguments

simplify: if true and if deleting the node results in 2 hybrid edges forming a cycle of k=2 nodes, then these hybrid edges are merged and simplified as a single tree edge.

unroot: if true, a root of degree 1 or 2 is deleted. If false, the root is deleted if it is of degree 1 (no root edge is left), but is kept if it is of degree 2. Deleting all leaves in an outgroup clade or grade will leave the ingroup rooted (that is, the new root will be of degree 2).

nofuse: if true, keep nodes (and edges) provided that they have at least one descendant leaf, even if they are of degree 2. This will keep two-cycles (forcing simplify to false). Nodes without any descendant leaves are deleted. If nofuse is false, edges adjacent to degree-2 nodes are fused.

multgammas: if true, the fused edge has γ equal to the product of the hybrid edges that have been fused together, which may result in tree edges with γ<1, or with reticulations in which the two parent γ don't add up to 1.

keeporiginalroot: if true, keep the root even if it is of degree one (forcing unroot to be false).

Warning: does not update edges' containroot nor internal attributes (e.g. those used by SNaQ for level-1 networks). Does not require branch lengths, and designed to work on networks of all levels.

descendencematrix(net::HybridNetwork; checkpreorder::Bool=true)

Descendence matrix between all the nodes of a network: object D of type MatrixTopologicalOrder in which D[i,j] is the proportion of genetic material in node i that can be traced back to node j. If D[i,j]>0 then j is a descendent of i (and j is an ancestor of i). The network is assumed to be pre-ordered if checkpreorder is false. If checkpreorder is true (default), preorder! is run on the network beforehand.

directedges!(net::HybridNetwork; checkMajor::Bool=true)

Updates the edges' attribute ischild1, according to the root placement. Also updates edges' attribute containroot, for other possible root placements compatible with the direction of existing hybrid edges. Relies on hybrid nodes having exactly 1 major hybrid parent edge, but checks for that if checkMajor is true.


  1. Assumes that ischild1 is correct on hybrid edges (to avoid changing the identity of which nodes are hybrids and which are not).
  2. Does not check for cycles (to maintain a network's DAG status)

Returns the network. Throws a 'RootMismatch' Exception if the root was found to conflict with the direction of any hybrid edge.

displayednetworkat!(net::HybridNetwork, node::Node, nofuse=false,
                    unroot=false, multgammas=false)

Delete all the minor hybrid edges, except at input node. The network is left with a single hybridization, and otherwise displays the same major tree as before. If nofuse is true, edges are not fused (degree-2 nodes are kept).

Warning: assume correct ismajor fields.

displayedtrees(net::HybridNetwork, gamma::Float64; nofuse::Bool=false,
               unroot::Bool=false, multgammas::Bool=false,

Extracts all trees displayed in a network, following hybrid edges with heritability >= γ threshold (or >0.5 if threshold=0.5) and ignoring any hybrid edge with heritability lower than γ. Returns an array of trees, as HybridNetwork objects.

nofuse: if true, do not fuse edges (keep degree-2 nodes) during hybrid edge removal. unroot: if false, the root will not be deleted if it becomes of degree 2 unless keeporiginalroot is true. multgammas: if true, the edges in the displayed trees have γ values equal to the proportion of genes that the edge represents, even though all these edges are tree edges. The product of all the γ values across all edges is the proportion of genes that the tree represents. More specifically, edge e in a given displayed tree has γ equal to the product of γs of all edges in the original network that have been merged into e. keeporiginalroot: if true, keep root even if of degree 1.


  • if nofuse is true: the retained partner hybrid edges have their γ values unchanged, but their ismajor is changed to true
  • assume correct ismajor attributes.

Get child(ren) node(s).

  • getchild: single child node of edge, or of node after checking that node has a single child.
  • getchildren: vector of all children nodes of node.

Single child edge of node. Checks that it's a single child.

Warning: these functions rely on correct edge direction, via their ischild1 field.

See also: getparent, getpartneredge, isparentof, hassinglechild.


Get child(ren) node(s).

  • getchild: single child node of edge, or of node after checking that node has a single child.
  • getchildren: vector of all children nodes of node.

Single child edge of node. Checks that it's a single child.

Warning: these functions rely on correct edge direction, via their ischild1 field.

See also: getparent, getpartneredge, isparentof, hassinglechild.


Get child(ren) node(s).

  • getchild: single child node of edge, or of node after checking that node has a single child.
  • getchildren: vector of all children nodes of node.

Single child edge of node. Checks that it's a single child.

Warning: these functions rely on correct edge direction, via their ischild1 field.

See also: getparent, getpartneredge, isparentof, hassinglechild.


vector of node ages in pre-order, as in vec_node.

Warnings: net is assumed to

  • have been preordered before (to calculate vec_node)
  • be time-consistent (all paths to the root to a given hybrid have the same length)
  • be ultrametric (all leaves have the same age: 0)
getnodeheights(net, checkpreorder::Bool=true)
getnodeheights!(net, checkpreorder::Bool=true)

Vector of node heights, that is: the distance of each node to the root. An error is thrown if the network is not time-consistent. A network is time-consistent if, for any node v, all paths from the root to v have the same length. (It is sufficient to check this condition at hybrid nodes). Ultrametricity is not assumed: tips need not all be at the same distance from the root. If checkpreorder=false, assumes the network has already been preordered with preorder!.

If a tree edge has a missing length (coded as -1), both functions throw an error. In general, there may be an exponential number of ways to assign tree edge lengths that make the network time-consistent.

getnodeheights sends a warning upon finding a missing hybrid edge length, otherwises proceeds as getnodeheights! but without modifying the network. getnodeheights! will attempt to assign values to missing lengths, for hybrid edges only, so as to make the network time-consistent.

If a hybrid edge e has a missing length, getnodeheights! proceeds as follows at its child hybrid node h:

  • If all of h's parent edges lack a length: the shortest non-negative lengths are assigned to make the network time-consistent at h. In particular, one of the partner edges is assigned length 0, and h is made as old as possible, that is, as close to the root as possible: the reticulation is "zipped-up".
  • Otherwise: the length of e is set to the unique value that makes the network time-consistent at h, based on the partner edge's length. If this value is negative, then an error is thrown.

Output: vector of node heights, one per node, in the same order as in net.vec_node.

See also: istimeconsistent and getnodeheights_average.


julia> net = readnewick("(((C:1,(A:1)#H1:1.5::0.7):1,(#H1:0.3::0.3,E:2.0):2.2):1.0,O:5.2)root;");

julia> # using PhyloPlots; plot(net, useedgelength=true, showedgelength=true, shownodenumber=true); # to see

julia> nodeheight = getnodeheights(net)
9-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> [node.number => (height, for (height,node) in zip(nodeheight, net.vec_node)]
9-element Vector{Pair{Int64, Tuple{Float64, String}}}:
 -2 => (0.0, "root")
  5 => (5.2, "O")
 -3 => (1.0, "")
 -6 => (3.2, "")
  4 => (5.2, "E")
 -4 => (2.0, "")
  3 => (3.5, "H1")
  2 => (4.5, "A")
  1 => (3.0, "C")
getnodeheights(net, checkpreorder::Bool=true)
getnodeheights!(net, checkpreorder::Bool=true)

Vector of node heights, that is: the distance of each node to the root. An error is thrown if the network is not time-consistent. A network is time-consistent if, for any node v, all paths from the root to v have the same length. (It is sufficient to check this condition at hybrid nodes). Ultrametricity is not assumed: tips need not all be at the same distance from the root. If checkpreorder=false, assumes the network has already been preordered with preorder!.

If a tree edge has a missing length (coded as -1), both functions throw an error. In general, there may be an exponential number of ways to assign tree edge lengths that make the network time-consistent.

getnodeheights sends a warning upon finding a missing hybrid edge length, otherwises proceeds as getnodeheights! but without modifying the network. getnodeheights! will attempt to assign values to missing lengths, for hybrid edges only, so as to make the network time-consistent.

If a hybrid edge e has a missing length, getnodeheights! proceeds as follows at its child hybrid node h:

  • If all of h's parent edges lack a length: the shortest non-negative lengths are assigned to make the network time-consistent at h. In particular, one of the partner edges is assigned length 0, and h is made as old as possible, that is, as close to the root as possible: the reticulation is "zipped-up".
  • Otherwise: the length of e is set to the unique value that makes the network time-consistent at h, based on the partner edge's length. If this value is negative, then an error is thrown.

Output: vector of node heights, one per node, in the same order as in net.vec_node.

See also: istimeconsistent and getnodeheights_average.


julia> net = readnewick("(((C:1,(A:1)#H1:1.5::0.7):1,(#H1:0.3::0.3,E:2.0):2.2):1.0,O:5.2)root;");

julia> # using PhyloPlots; plot(net, useedgelength=true, showedgelength=true, shownodenumber=true); # to see

julia> nodeheight = getnodeheights(net)
9-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> [node.number => (height, for (height,node) in zip(nodeheight, net.vec_node)]
9-element Vector{Pair{Int64, Tuple{Float64, String}}}:
 -2 => (0.0, "root")
  5 => (5.2, "O")
 -3 => (1.0, "")
 -6 => (3.2, "")
  4 => (5.2, "E")
 -4 => (2.0, "")
  3 => (3.5, "H1")
  2 => (4.5, "A")
  1 => (3.0, "C")
getnodeheights_average(net, checkpreorder::Bool=true; warn=true)

Vector of average node heights, that is: the average distance from the root to each node. The average is a weighted average with weights taken to be the hybrid edges' inheritance values γ, if available. Equal weights are used at hybrid nodes with some parents lacking a γ inheritance value (with a warning).

missing edge lengths:

  • An error is thrown if a tree edge has a missing edge length.
  • If all parent hybrid edges have missing lengths at a given hybrid node, then the hybrid node is assumed to be as close to the root as possible, that is, the reticulation is assumed "zipped-up" with one of its hybrid edges of length 0.
  • If some but not all parent hybrid edges have a missing length, then the average node height is calculated based on the non-missing parents only. If the hybrid node height turns out to be lower than one of the parent's height (such that some missing length would need to be negative) then a warning is issued.

A warning is issued, unless warn=false, if the network is not time-consistent.

See also: istimeconsistent, getnodeheights, and getnodeheights_majortree](@ref).

getnodeheights_majortree(net, checkpreorder::Bool=true; warn=true)

Vector of node heights from the major tree, that is: the distance from the root to each node when considering the major tree for node heights.

missing edge lengths:

  • An error is thrown if a tree edge has a missing edge length.
  • If all parent hybrid edges have missing lengths at a given hybrid node, then the hybrid node is assumed to be as close to the root as possible, that is, the reticulation is assumed "zipped-up" with one of its hybrid edges of length 0.
  • If a major hybrid edge has a missing length, then the hybrid node height will be calculated using the node height and edge length of the minor parent with the largest inheritance γ (with a warning). If the major hybrid edge lacks a length and all non-missing minor edges lack an inheritance γ or have the same value, then an error is thrown.

A warning is issued, unless warn=false, if the network is not time-consistent.

See also: istimeconsistent, getnodeheights and getnodeheights_average.

#node heights of time-consistent networks are the same 
julia> consistent_net = readnewick("((A:2.5,#H1:1.5::0.4):0.25,(C:1.5,(B:1)#H1:0.5::0.6):1.25);");

julia> heights = getnodeheights(consistent_net)
7-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> heights_average = getnodeheights_average(consistent_net);

julia> heights_major = getnodeheights_majortree(consistent_net);

julia> heights == heights_average == heights_major  
#inconsistent networks give different results
julia> inconsistent_net = readnewick("((A:2.5,#H1:1.5::0.4):0.25,(C:1.5,(B:1)#H1:2.5::0.6):1.25);");

julia> getnodeheights_average(inconsistent_net;warn=false)
7-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> getnodeheights_majortree(inconsistent_net;warn=false) 
7-element Vector{Float64}:

Get parental node(s).

  • getparent: major (or only) parent node of edge or node
  • getparentminor: minor parent node of node
  • getparents: vector of all parent nodes of node.

Get one parental edge of a node.

  • getparentedge: major parent edge. For a tree node, it's its only parent edge.
  • getparentedgeminor: minor parent edge, if node is hybrid (with an error if node has no minor parent).

If node has multiple major (resp. minor) parent edges, the first one would be returned without any warning or error.

Warning: these functions use the field ischild1 of edges.

See also: getchild, getpartneredge.


Get parental node(s).

  • getparent: major (or only) parent node of edge or node
  • getparentminor: minor parent node of node
  • getparents: vector of all parent nodes of node.

Get one parental edge of a node.

  • getparentedge: major parent edge. For a tree node, it's its only parent edge.
  • getparentedgeminor: minor parent edge, if node is hybrid (with an error if node has no minor parent).

If node has multiple major (resp. minor) parent edges, the first one would be returned without any warning or error.

Warning: these functions use the field ischild1 of edges.

See also: getchild, getpartneredge.


Get parental node(s).

  • getparent: major (or only) parent node of edge or node
  • getparentminor: minor parent node of node
  • getparents: vector of all parent nodes of node.

Get one parental edge of a node.

  • getparentedge: major parent edge. For a tree node, it's its only parent edge.
  • getparentedgeminor: minor parent edge, if node is hybrid (with an error if node has no minor parent).

If node has multiple major (resp. minor) parent edges, the first one would be returned without any warning or error.

Warning: these functions use the field ischild1 of edges.

See also: getchild, getpartneredge.


Get parental node(s).

  • getparent: major (or only) parent node of edge or node
  • getparentminor: minor parent node of node
  • getparents: vector of all parent nodes of node.

Get one parental edge of a node.

  • getparentedge: major parent edge. For a tree node, it's its only parent edge.
  • getparentedgeminor: minor parent edge, if node is hybrid (with an error if node has no minor parent).

If node has multiple major (resp. minor) parent edges, the first one would be returned without any warning or error.

Warning: these functions use the field ischild1 of edges.

See also: getchild, getpartneredge.


Get parental node(s).

  • getparent: major (or only) parent node of edge or node
  • getparentminor: minor parent node of node
  • getparents: vector of all parent nodes of node.

Get one parental edge of a node.

  • getparentedge: major parent edge. For a tree node, it's its only parent edge.
  • getparentedgeminor: minor parent edge, if node is hybrid (with an error if node has no minor parent).

If node has multiple major (resp. minor) parent edges, the first one would be returned without any warning or error.

Warning: these functions use the field ischild1 of edges.

See also: getchild, getpartneredge.

getpartneredge(edge::Edge, node::Node)

Edge that is the hybrid partner of edge, meaning that is has the same child node as edge. This child node is given as an argument in the second method. Assumptions, not checked:

  • no in-coming polytomy: a node has 0, 1 or 2 parents, no more
  • when node is given, it is assumed to be the child of edge (the first method calls the second).

See also: getparent, getchild


Node used to root net. If net is to be considered as semi-directed or unrooted, this root node is used to write the networks' Newick parenthetical description or for network traversals.

See also: isrootof

hardwiredcluster(edge::Edge, taxa::Union{AbstractVector{String},AbstractVector{Int}})
hardwiredcluster!(v::Vector{Bool}, edge::Edge, taxa)
hardwiredcluster!(v::Vector{Bool}, edge::Edge, taxa, visited::Vector{Int})

Calculate the hardwired cluster of edge, coded as a vector of booleans: true for taxa that are descendent of the edge, false for other taxa (including missing taxa).

The edge should belong in a rooted network for which ischild1 is up-to-date. Run directedges! beforehand. This is very important, otherwise one might enter an infinite loop, and the function does not test for this.

visited: vector of node numbers, of all visited nodes.


julia> net5 = "(A,((B,#H1),(((C,(E)#H2),(#H2,F)),(D)#H1)));" |> readnewick |> directedges! ;

julia> taxa = net5 |> tiplabels # ABC EF D
6-element Vector{String}:

julia> hardwiredcluster(net5.edge[12], taxa) # descendants of 12th edge = CEF
6-element Vector{Bool}:

See also hardwiredclusterdistance and hardwiredclusters

hardwiredclusterdistance(net1::HybridNetwork, net2::HybridNetwork, rooted::Bool)

Hardwired cluster distance between the topologies of net1 and net2, that is, the number of hardwired clusters found in one network and not in the other (with multiplicity, see below).

If the 2 networks are trees, this is the Robinson-Foulds distance. If rooted=false, then both networks are considered as semi-directed.

Networks are assumed bicombining (each hybrid has exactly 2 parents, no more).

Dissimilarity vs distance

This is not a distance per se on the full space of phylogenetic networks: there are pairs of distinct networks for which this dissimilarity is 0. But it is a distance on some classes of networks, such as the class of tree-child networks that are "normal" (without shortcuts), or the class of tree-child networks that can be assigned node ages such that hybrid edges have length 0 and tree edges have non-negative lengths. See Cardona, Rossello & Valiente (2008), Cardona, Llabres, Rossello & Valiente (2008), and Huson, Rupp, Scornavacca (2010).


julia> net1 = readnewick("(t6,(t5,((t4,(t3,((t2,t1))#H1)),#H1)));");

julia> taxa = sort(tiplabels(net1)); # t1 through t6, sorted alphabetically

julia> # using PhyloPlots; plot(net1, showedgenumber=true);

julia> # in matrix below: column 1: edge number. last column: tree (10) vs hybrid (11) edge
       # middle columns: for 'taxa': t1,...t6. 1=descendant, 0=not descendant
       hardwiredclusters(net1, taxa)
6×8 Matrix{Int64}:
 13  1  1  1  1  1  0  10
 12  1  1  1  1  0  0  10
 10  1  1  1  1  0  0  10
  9  1  1  1  0  0  0  10
  8  1  1  0  0  0  0  11
  7  1  1  0  0  0  0  10

julia> net2 = readnewick("(t6,(t5,((t4,(t3)#H1),(#H1,(t1,t2)))));");

julia> hardwiredclusters(net2, taxa)
6×8 Matrix{Int64}:
 13  1  1  1  1  1  0  10
 12  1  1  1  1  0  0  10
  6  0  0  1  1  0  0  10
  5  0  0  1  0  0  0  11
 11  1  1  1  0  0  0  10
 10  1  1  0  0  0  0  10

julia> hardwiredclusterdistance(net1, net2, true) # true: as rooted networks

What is a hardwired cluster?

Each edge in a network is associated with its hardwired cluster, that is, the set of all its descendant taxa (leaves). The set of hardwired cluster of a network is the set of its edges' hardwired clusters. The dissimilarity d_hard defined in Huson, Rupp, Scornavacca (2010) is the number of hardwired clusters that are in one network but not in the other.

This implementation is a slightly more discriminative version of d_hard, where each cluster is counted with multiplicity and annotated with its edge's hybrid status, as follows:

  • External edges are not counted (they are tree edges to a leaf, shared by all phylogenetic networks).
  • A cluster is counted for each edge for which it's the hardwired cluster.
  • At a given hybrid node, both hybrid partner edges have the same cluster, so this cluster is only counted once for both partners.
  • A given cluster is matched between the two networks only if it's the cluster from a tree edge in both networks, or from a hybrid edge in both networks.

In the example above, net1 has a shortcut (hybrid edge 11) resulting in 2 tree edges (12 and 10) with the same cluster {t1,t2,t3,t4}. So cluster {t1,t2,t3,t4} has multiplicity 2 in net1. net2 also has this cluster, but only associated with 1 tree edge, so this cluster contributes (2-1)=1 towards the hardwired cluster distance between the two networks. The distance of 4 corresponds to these 4 clusters:

  • {t1,t2,t3,t4}: twice in net1, once in net2
  • {t3,t4}: absent in net1, once in net2
  • {t1,t2}: twice in net1 (from a hybrid edge & a tree edge), once in net2
  • {t3}: absent in net1 (because external edges are not counted), once in net2 (from a hybrid edge).

Degree-2 nodes cause multiple edges to have the same cluster, so counting clusters with multiplicity distinguishes a network with extra degree-2 nodes from the "same" network after these nodes have been suppressed (e.g. with PhyloNetworks.fuseedgesat! or PhyloNetworks.shrinkedge!).

Networks as semi-directed

If rooted is false and one of the phylogenies is not a tree (1+ reticulations), then all degree-2 nodes are removed before comparing the hardwired clusters, and the minimum distance is returned over all possible ways to root the networks at internal nodes.

See also: hardwiredclusters, hardwiredcluster

hardwiredclusters(net::HybridNetwork, taxon_labels)

Returns a matrix describing all the hardwired clusters in a network, with taxa listed in same order as in taxon_labels to describe their membership in each cluster. Allows for missing taxa, with entries all 0.


  • clusters are rooted, so the root must be correct.
  • each hybrid node is assumed to have exactly 2 parents (no more).

Each row corresponds to one internal edge, that is, external edges are excluded. If the root is a leaf node, the external edge to that leaf is included (first row). Both parent hybrid edges to a given hybrid node only contribute a single row (they share the same hardwired cluster).

  • first column: edge number
  • next columns: 0/1. 1=descendant of edge, 0=not a descendant, or missing taxon.
  • last column: 10/11 values. 10=tree edge, 11=hybrid edge

See also hardwiredclusterdistance and hardwiredcluster.

hybridclades_support(boot_net::Vector{HybridNetwork}, ref_net::HybridNetwork; rooted=false)

Match hybrid nodes in a reference network with those in an array of networks, like bootstrap networks or in a posterior sample of networks. All networks must be fully resolved, and on the same taxon set. If rooted=true, all networks are assumed to have been properly rooted beforehand. Otherwise, the origin of each hybrid edge is considered as an unrooted bipartition (default).

Two hybrid edges in two networks are said to match if they share the same "hybrid" clade (or recipient) and the same "donor clade", which is a sister to the hybrid clade in the network. Since a hybrid clade has 2 parent edges, it is sister to two clades simultaneously: one is its major sister (following the major hybrid edge with γ>0.5) and one is its minor sister (following the major hybrid edge with γ<0.5).

To calculate these hybrid and sister clades at a given hybrid node, all other hybrid edges are first removed from the network. Then, the hybrid clade is the hardwired cluster (descendants) of either hybrid edge and major/minor clade is the hardwired cluster of the sibling edge of the major/minor hybrid parent. If rooted=false, sister clades are considered as bipartitions.


  1. a "node" data frame (see below)
  2. an "edge" data frame (see below)
  3. a "clade" data frame to describe the make up of all clades found as hybrids or sisters, starting with a column taxa that lists all taxa. All other columns correspond to a given clade and contain true/false values. true means that a given taxon belongs in a given clade. For a clade named H1, for instance, and if the data frame was named cla, the list of taxa in this clade can be obtained with cla[:taxa][cla[:H1]].
  4. an array of gamma values, with one row for each network in the sample and two columns (major/minor) for each hybrid edge in the reference network. If this hybrid edge was found in the sampled network (i.e. same hybrid and sister clades, after removal of all other hybrid nodes), its inheritcance gamma value is recorded here. Otherwise, the gamma entry is 0.0.
  5. a vector with the number of each hybrid edge in the reference network, in the same order as for the columns in the array of gamma values above.

The "node" data frame has one row per clade and 9 columns giving:

  • :clade: the clade's name, like the taxon name (if a hybrid is a single taxon) or the hybrid tag (like 'H1') in the reference network
  • :node: the node number in the reference network. missing if the clade is not in this network.
  • :hybridnode: typically the same node number as above, except for hybrid clades in the reference network. For those, the hybrid node number is listed here.
  • :edge: number of the parent edge, parent to the node in column 2, if found in the ref network. missing otherwise.
  • :BS_hybrid: percentage of sample networks in which the clade is found to be a hybrid clade.
  • :BS_sister: percentage of sample networks in which the clade is found to be sister to some hybrid clade (sum of the next 2 columns)
  • :BS_major_sister: percentage of sample networks in which the clade is found to be the major sister to some hybrid clade
  • :BS_minor_sister: same as previous, but minor
  • :BS_hybrid_samesisters: percentage of sample networks in which the clade is found to be a hybrid and with the same set of sister clades as in the reference network. Applies to hybrid clades found in the reference network only, missing for all other clades.

The "edge" data frame has one row for each pair of clades, and 8 columns:

  • :edge: hybrid edge number, if the edge appears in the reference network. missing otherwise.
  • :hybrid_clade: name of the clade found to be a hybrid, descendent of 'edge'
  • :hybrid: node number of that clade, if it appears in the reference network. missing otherwise.
  • :sister_clade: name of the clade that is sister to 'edge', i.e. be sister to a hybrid
  • :sister: node number of that clade, if in the ref network.
  • :BS_hybrid_edge: percentage of sample networks in which 'edge' is found to be a hybrid edge, i.e. when the clade in the 'hybrid' column is found to be a hybrid and the clade in the 'sister' column is one of its sisters.
  • :BS_major: percentage of sample networks in which 'edge' is found to be a major hybrid edge, i.e. when 'hybrid' is found to be a hybrid clade and 'sister' is found to be its major sister.
  • :BS_minor: same as previous, but minor
hybridlambdaformat(net::HybridNetwork; prefix="I")

Output net as a string in the format that the Hybrid-Lambda simulator expects, namely:

  • all internal nodes are named, including the root, with names that are unique and start with a letter.
  • hybrid nodes are written as H6#γ1:length1 and H6#γ1:length2 instead of #H6:length1::γ1 and #H6:length2::γ2 (note the samme γ value expected by Hybrid-Lambda)

This is a modified version of the extended Newick format.

Optional keyword argument prefix: must start with a letter, other than "H". Internal nodes are given names like "I1", "I2", etc. Existing internal non-hybrid node names are replaced, which is crucial if some of them don't start with a letter (e.g. in case node names are bootstrap values). See nameinternalnodes! to add node names.


julia> net = readnewick("((a:1,(b:1)#H1:1::0.8):5,(#H1:0::0.2,c:1):1);");

julia> hybridlambdaformat(net) # net is unchanged here

julia> # using PhyloPlots; plot(net, shownodenumber=true) # shows that node -2 is the root

julia> rotate!(net, -2)

julia> writenewick(net) # now the minor edge with γ=0.2 appears first

julia> hybridlambdaformat(net)

julia> net = readnewick("((((B)#H1:::.6)#H2,((D,C,#H2:::0.8),(#H1,A))));"); # 2 reticulations, no branch lengths

julia> writenewick(net, round=true)

julia> hybridlambdaformat(net; prefix="int")
isparentof(node, edge)
ischildof(node, edge)

true if node is the tail / head, or parent / child, of edge; false otherwise. Assumes that the edge's direction is correct, meaning its field ischild1 is reliable (in sync with the rooting).

See also: getparent, getchild, isrootof

isrootof(node, net)

true if node is the root of net (or used as such for network traversals in case the network is considered as semi-directed); false otherwise.


true if node is a leaf or edge is adjacent to a leaf, false otherwise.

See also: getroot, getparent, getchild

isrootof(node, net)

true if node is the root of net (or used as such for network traversals in case the network is considered as semi-directed); false otherwise.


true if node is a leaf or edge is adjacent to a leaf, false otherwise.

See also: getroot, getparent, getchild

isparentof(node, edge)
ischildof(node, edge)

true if node is the tail / head, or parent / child, of edge; false otherwise. Assumes that the edge's direction is correct, meaning its field ischild1 is reliable (in sync with the rooting).

See also: getparent, getchild, isrootof

isrootof(node, net)

true if node is the root of net (or used as such for network traversals in case the network is considered as semi-directed); false otherwise.


true if node is a leaf or edge is adjacent to a leaf, false otherwise.

See also: getroot, getparent, getchild

istimeconsistent(net, checkpreorder::Bool=true)

True (resp. false) if net network is (resp. is not) time-consistent. A network is time-consistent if for any node v, all paths from the root to v have the same length. It is sufficient to check this condition at nodes v that are hybrid nodes.

See also getnodeheights and getnodeheights_average.

majortree(net::HybridNetwork; nofuse::Bool=false, unroot::Bool=false,

Extract the major tree displayed in a network, keeping the major edge and dropping the minor edge at each hybrid node.

nofuse: if true, edges and degree-2 nodes are retained during edge removal. Otherwise, at each reticulation the child edge (below the hybrid node) is retained: the major hybrid edge is fused with it.

unroot: is true, the root will be deleted if it becomes of degree 2.

keeporiginalroot: the network's root is kept even if it becomes of degree 1.


  • if nofuse is true: the hybrid edges that are retained (without fusing) have their γ values unchanged, but their ismajor is changed to true
  • assume correct ismajor attributes.
minortreeat(net::HybridNetwork, hybindex::Integer, nofuse=false, unroot::Bool=false)

Extract the tree displayed in the network, following the major hybrid edge at each hybrid node, except at the ith hybrid node (i=hybindex), where the minor hybrid edge is kept instead of the major hybrid edge. If nofuse is true, edges are not fused (degree-2 nodes are kept). If unroot is true, the root will be deleted if it becomes of degree 2.

Warning: assume correct ismajor fields.

nameinternalnodes!(net::HybridNetwork, prefix="i")

Add names to nodes in net that don't already have a name. Leaves already have names; but if not, they will be given names as well. New node names will be of the form "prefixk" where k is an integer. So by default, new node names will be of the form "i1", "i2", etc.


julia> net = readnewick("((a:1,(b:1)#H1:1::0.8):5,(#H1:0::0.2,c:1):1);");

julia> nameinternalnodes!(net, "I") # by default, shown without internal node names
HybridNetwork, Rooted Network
7 edges
7 nodes: 3 tips, 1 hybrid nodes, 3 internal tree nodes.
tip labels: a, b, c

julia> writenewick(net; internallabel=false) # by default, writenewick shows internal names if they exist

julia> net = readnewick("((int5:1,(b:1)#H1:1::0.8):5,(#H1:0::0.2,c:1):1);"); # one taxon name starts with "int"

julia> nameinternalnodes!(net, "int");

julia> writenewick(net)
nj(D::DataFrame; force_nonnegative_edges::Bool=false)

Construct a tree from a distance matrix by neighbor joining, where D is a DataFrame of the distance matrix, with taxon names taken from the header of the data frame. The rows are assumed to correspond to tips in the tree in the same order as they do in columns. With force_nonnegative_edges being true, any negative edge length is changed to 0.0 (with a message).

For the algorithm, see Satou & Nei 1987.

See nj! for using a matrix as input.


Attempt to perform a nearest neighbor interchange (NNI) around edge e, randomly chosen among all possible NNIs (e.g 3, sometimes more depending on e) satisfying the constraints, and such that the new network is a DAG. The number of possible NNI moves around an edge depends on whether the edge's parent/child nodes are tree or hybrid nodes. This is calculated by nnimax.

The option no3cycle forbids moves that would create a 3-cycle in the network. When no3cycle = false, 2-cycle and 3-cycles may be generated.

Note that the defaults values are for positional (not keyword) arguments, so two or more arguments can be used, but in a specific order: nni!(net, e) or nni!(net, e, nohybridladder), nni!(net, e, nohybridladder, no3cycle), nni!(net, e, nohybridladder, no3cycle, contraints).


  • The starting network does not have 3-cycles, if no3cycle=true. No check for the presence of 2- and 3-cycles in the input network.
  • The edges' field ischild1 is correct in the input network. (This field will be correct in the output network.)

Output: information indicating how to undo the move or nothing if all NNIs failed.


julia> str_network = "(((S8,S9),(((((S1,S2,S3),S4),(S5)#H1),(#H1,(S6,S7))))#H2),(#H2,S10));";

julia> net = readnewick(str_network);

julia> # using Random; Random.seed!(3); ## commented out for doctest reproducibility across julia versions, but users can use this line to set the seed in their analyses.

julia> undoinfo = nni!(net, net.edge[3], true, true); # true's to avoid hybrid ladders and 3-cycles

In the next example, we use a stable RNG to make the example reproducible across julia versions. However, this particular RNG is not recommended. The RNG used by default is better (e.g. much more efficient).

julia> str_network = "(((S8,S9),(((((S1,S2,S3),S4),(S5)#H1),(#H1,(S6,S7))))#H2),(#H2,S10));";

julia> net = readnewick(str_network);

julia> # using Pkg; Pkg.add("StableRNGs") # to install StableRNGs if not done earlier

julia> using StableRNGs

julia> rng = StableRNG(791);

julia> undoinfo = nni!(rng, net, net.edge[3], true, true); # true's to avoid hybrid ladders and 3-cycles

julia> writenewick(net)

julia> nni!(undoinfo...);

julia> writenewick(net) == str_network # net back to original topology: the NNI was "undone"
nni!(αu::Edge, u::Node, uv::Edge, v::Node, vδ::Edge)
nni!(αu,u,uv,v,vδ, flip::Bool, inner::Bool, indices)

Transform a network locally around the focus edge uv with the following NNI, that detaches u-β and grafts it onto vδ:

α - u -- v ------ δ
    |    |
    β    γ

α ------ v -- u - δ
         |    |
         γ    β

flip boolean indicates if the uv edge was flipped inner boolean indicates if edges αu and uv both point toward node u, i.e. α->u<-v<-δ. If this is true, we flip the hybrid status of αu and vδ.

indices give indices for nodes and edges uinαu, αuinu, vδinv, and vinvδ. These are interpreted as:

u_in_αu: the index for u in the edge αu
αu_in_u: the index for αu in node u
vδ_in_v: the index for vδ in node v
v_in_vδ: the index for v in edge vδ


  • No check of assumed adjacencies
  • Not implemented for cases that are not necessary thanks to symmetry, such as cases covered by nni!(vδ, v, uv, u, αu) or nni!(βu, u, v, vγ). More specifically, these cases are not implemented (and not checked):
    • u not hybrid & v hybrid
    • u hybrid, v not hybrid, α -> u <- v -> δ
  • Because of this, nni(αu,u,uv,v,vδ, ...) should not be used directly; use instead nni!(uv, move_number).
  • nni!(undoinfo...) restores the topology, but edges below hybrid nodes will have length 0.0 even if they didn't before.

Node numbers and edge numbers are not modified. Edge uv keeps its direction unchanged unless the directions were α -> u -> v -> δ or α <- u <- v <- δ, in which case the direction of uv is flipped.

The second version's input has the same signature as the output, but will undo the NNI more easily. This means that if output = nni!(input), then nni!(output...) is valid and undoes the first operation.

Right now, branch lengths are not modified except when below a hybrid node. Future versions might implement options to modify branch lengths.

nni!(uv::Edge, nummove::UInt8, nohybridladder::Bool, no3cycle::Bool)

Modify a network with a nearest neighbor interchange (NNI) around its edge uv. Return the information necessary to undo the NNI, or nothing if the move was not successful (such as if the resulting graph was not acyclic (not a DAG) or if the focus edge is adjacent to a polytomy). If the move fails, the network is not modified. nummove specifies which of the available NNIs is performed.

rooted-NNI options according to Gambette et al. (2017), fig. 8:

  • BB: 2 moves, both to BB, if directed edges. 8 moves if undirected.
  • RR: 2 moves, both to RR.
  • BR: 3 moves, 1 RB & 2 BRs, if directed. 6 moves if e is undirected.
  • RB: 4 moves, all 4 BRs.

The extra options are due to assuming a semi-directed network, whereas Gambette et al (2017) describe options for rooted networks. On a semi-directed network, there might be a choice of how to direct the edges that may contain the root, e.g. choice of e=uv versus vu, and choice of labelling adjacent nodes as α/β (BB), or as α/γ (BR).

nohybridladder = true prevents moves that would create a hybrid ladder in the network, that is, 2 consecutive hybrid nodes (one parent of the other). no3cycle = true prevents NNI moves that would make a 3-cycle, and assumes that the input network does not have any 2- or 3-cycles. If no3cycle is false, 3-cycles can be generated, but NNIs generating 2-cycles are prevented.

The edge field ischild1 is assumed to be correct in the overall network (that is, in sync with the network's field .rooti).

pairwisetaxondistancematrix(net; keepInternal=false,
                            checkpreorder=true, nodeAges=[])
pairwisetaxondistancematrix!(M, net, nodeAges)

Return the matrix M of pairwise distances between nodes in the network:

  • between all nodes (internal and leaves) if keepInternal=true, in which case the nodes are listed in M in the order in which they appear in net.vec_node
  • between taxa only otherwise, in which case the nodes are listed in M in the order in which they appear in tiplabels(net) (i.e. same order as in net.leaf)

The second form modifies M in place, assuming all nodes.

The distance between the root and a given hybrid node (to take an example) is the weighted average of path lengths from the root to that node, where each path is weighted by the product of γs of all edges on that path. This distance measures the average genetic distance across the genome, if branch lengths are in substitutions/site.

optional arguments:

  • checkpreorder: if true, net.vec_node is updated to get a topological ordering of nodes.
  • nodeAges: if not provided, i.e. empty vector, the network is not modified. If provided and non-empty, nodeAges should list node ages in the pre-order in which nodes are listed in vec_node (including leaves), and edge lengths in net are modified accordingly.

Providing node ages hence makes the network time consistent: such that all paths from the root to a given hybrid node have the same length. If node ages are not provided, the network need not be time consistent.

parsimonyGF(net, tip_dictionary, criterion=:softwired)
parsimonyGF(net, species, sequenceData, criterion=:softwired)

Calculate the most parsimonious score of a network given discrete characters at the tips using a general framework (Van Iersel et al. 2018) allowing for various parsimony criteria: softwired (default), hardwired, parental etc. Only softwired is implemented at the moment.

Data can given in one of the following:

  • tipdata: data frame for a single trait, in which case the taxon names are to appear in column 1 or in a column named "taxon" or "species", and trait values are to appear in column 2 or in a column named "trait".
  • tipdata: dictionary taxon => state, for a single trait.
  • species: array of strings, and sequences: array of sequences, in the order corresponding to the order of species names.


The complexity of the algorithm is exponential in the level of the network, that is, the maximum number of hybridizations in a single blob, or biconnected component (Fischer et al. 2015). The function loops over all the state assignments of the minor parent of each hybrid node within a blob, so its complexity is of the order of n * m * c^2 * c^level where n is the number of tips, m the number of traits and c the number of states.

See parsimonysoftwired for a faster algorithm, but solving the softwired criterion only.


  1. Leo Van Iersel, Mark Jones, Celine Scornavacca (2017). Improved Maximum Parsimony Models for Phylogenetic Networks, Systematic Biology, (

  2. Fischer, M., van Iersel, L., Kelk, S., Scornavacca, C. (2015). On computing the Maximum Parsimony score of a phylogenetic network. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 29(1):559-585.

Use the recursive helper function parsimonyGF_bottomup!. Use the fields ischild1, booln4 to know which nodes are at the root of a blob, and boole2 to know which edges are cut (below the minor parent of each hybrid).

parsimonysoftwired(net, tipdata)
parsimonysoftwired(net, species, sequences)

Calculate the most parsimonious (MP) score of a network given a discrete character at the tips. The softwired parsimony concept is used: where the number of state transitions is minimized over all trees displayed in the network.

Data can given in one of the following:

  • tipdata: data frame for a single trait, in which case the taxon names are to appear in column 1 or in a column named "taxon" or "species", and trait values are to appear in column 2 or in a column named "trait".
  • tipdata: dictionary taxon => state, for a single trait.
  • species: array of strings, and sequences: array of sequences, in the order corresponding to the order of species names.


The dynamic programming algorithm by Fischer et al. (2015) is used. The function loops over all the displayed subtrees within a blob (biconnected component), so its complexity is of the order of n * m * c^2 * 2^level where n is the number of tips, m the number of traits, c the number of states, and level is the level of the network: the maximum number of hybridizations within a blob.

See parsimonyGF for a different algorithm, slower but extendable to other parsimony criteria.


  1. Fischer, M., van Iersel, L., Kelk, S., Scornavacca, C. (2015). On computing the Maximum Parsimony score of a phylogenetic network. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 29(1):559-585.

Update attribute net.vec_node in which the nodes are pre-ordered (also called topological sorting), such that each node is visited after its parent(s). The edges' direction needs to be correct before calling preorder!, using directedges!

printedges(io::IO, net)

Print information on the edges of a HybridNetwork net: edge number, numbers of nodes attached to it, edge length, whether it's a hybrid edge, its γ inheritance value, whether it's a major edge, if it could contain the root (this field is not always updated, though) and one more attribute pertaining to level-1 networks used in SNaQ: in which cycle it is contained (-1 if no cycle).

printnodes(io, net)

Print information on the nodes of a HybridNetwork net: node number, whether it's a leaf, whether it's a hybrid node, it's name (label), its intn1 field (for level-1 networks in SNaQ: number given to the cycle in which the node might be, -1 if the node it not in a cycle cycle), and the list of edges attached to it, by their numbers.

readfastatodna(filename::String, countPatterns::Bool=false)

Read a fasta file to a dataframe containing a column for each site. If countPatterns is true, calculate weights and remove identical site patterns to reduce matrix dimension.

Return a tuple containing:

  1. data frame of BioSequence DNA sequences, with taxon names in column 1 followed by a column for each site pattern, in columns 2-npatterns;
  2. array of weights, one weight for each of the site columns. The length of the weight vector is equal to npatterns.

Warning: assumes a semi-sequential format, not interleaved, where each taxon name appears only once. For this one time, the corresponding sequence may be broken across several lines though.

readmultinewick(filename::AbstractString, fast=true)

Read a list of networks in parenthetical format, either from a file (one network per line) if the input is a string giving the path to the file, or from a vector of strings with each string corresponding to a newick-formatted topology. By default (fast=true), Functors.fmap is used for repeatedly reading the newick trees into of HybridNetwork-type objects. The option fast=false corresponds to the behavior up until v0.14.3: with a file name as input, it prints a message (without failing) when a phylogeny cannot be parsed, and allows for empty lines. Each network is read with readnewick.

Return an array of HybridNetwork objects.


julia> multitreepath = joinpath(dirname(Base.find_package("PhyloNetworks")), "..", "examples", "multitrees.newick");
julia> multitree = readmultinewick(multitreepath) # vector of 25 HybridNetworks
julia> multitree = readmultinewick(multitreepath, false) # same but slower & safer
julia> treestrings = readlines(multitreepath) # vector of 25 strings
julia> multitree = readmultinewick(treestrings)
julia> readmultinewick(treestrings, false) # same, but slower
readmultinewick_files(listfile; relative2listfile=true)

Read the list of file names in listfile, then read all the trees in each of these files. Output: vector of vectors of trees (networks with h>0 allowed).

listfile should be the name of a file containing the path/name to multiple bootstrap files, one on each line (no header). Each named bootstrap file should contain multiple trees, one per line (such as bootstrap trees from a single gene).

The path/name to each bootstrap file should be relative to listfile. Otherwise, use option relative2listfile=false, in which case the file names are interpreted as usual: relative to the user's current directory if not given as absolute paths.

readnewick(file name)
readnewick(parenthetical description)

Read tree or network topology from parenthetical format (extended Newick). If the root node has a single child: ignore (i.e. delete from the topology) the root node and its child edge.

Input: text file or parenthetical format directly. The file name may not start with a left parenthesis, otherwise the file name itself would be interpreted as the parenthetical description. Nexus-style comments ([&...]) are ignored, and may be placed after (or instead) of a node name, and before/after an edge length.

A root edge, not enclosed within a pair a parentheses, is ignored. If the root node has a single edge, this one edge is removed.

readnexus_treeblock(filename, treereader=readnewick, args...;
                    reticulate=true, stringmodifier=[r"#(\d+)" => s"#H\1"])

Read the first "trees" block of a nexus-formatted file, using the translate table if present, and return a vector of HybridNetworks. Information inside [&...] are interpreted as comments and are discarded by the default tree reader. Optional arguments args are passed to the tree reader.

For the nexus format, see Maddison, Swofford & Maddison (1997).

Unless reticulate is false, the following is done to read networks with reticulations.

Prior to reading each phylogeny, each instance of #number is replaced by #Hnumber to fit the standard extended Newick format at hybrid nodes. This behavior can be changed with option stringmodifier, which should be a vector of pairs accepted by replace.

Inheritance γ values are assumed to be given within "comment" blocks at minor hybrid edges (cut as tips to form the extended Newick) like this for example, as output by bacter (Vaughan et al. 2017):

#11[&conv=0, relSize=0.08, ...

or like this, as output by SpeciesNetwork (Zhang et al. 2018):


In this example, the corresponding edge to hybrid H11 has γ=0.08.

removedegree2nodes!(net::HybridNetwork, keeproot::Bool=false)

Delete all nodes of degree two in net, fusing the two adjacent edges together each time, and return the network. If the network has a degree-2 root and keeproot is false, then the root is eliminated as well, leaving the network unrooted. The only exception to this rule is if the root is incident to 2 (outgoing) hybrid edges. Removing the root should leave a loop-edge (equal end point), which we don't want to do, to preserve the paths in the original network. In this case, the root is maintained even if keeproot is false. If keeproot is true, then the root is kept even if it's of degree 2.

See fuseedgesat!.

julia> net = readnewick("(((((S1,(S2)#H1),(#H1,S3)))#H2),(#H2,S4));");

julia> PhyloNetworks.breakedge!(net.edge[3], net); # create a degree-2 node along hybrid edge

julia> PhyloNetworks.breakedge!(net.edge[3], net); # another one: 2 in a row

julia> PhyloNetworks.breakedge!(net.edge[10], net); # another one, elsewhere

julia> writenewick(net) # extra pairs of parentheses

julia> removedegree2nodes!(net);

julia> writenewick(net) # even the root is gone

julia> net = readnewick("((((C:0.9)I1:0.1)I3:0.1,((A:1.0)I2:0.4)I3:0.6):1.4,(((B:0.2)H1:0.6)I2:0.5)I3:2.1);");

julia> removedegree2nodes!(net, true);

julia> writenewick(net, round=true) # the root was kept
rootatnode!(HybridNetwork, nodeNumber::Integer; index::Bool=false)
rootatnode!(HybridNetwork, Node)
rootatnode!(HybridNetwork, nodeName::AbstractString)

Root the network/tree object at the node with name 'nodeName' or number 'nodeNumber' (by default) or with index 'nodeNumber' if index=true. Attributes ischild1 and containroot are updated along the way. Use plot(net, shownodenumber=true, showedgelength=false) to visualize and identify a node of interest. (see package PhyloPlots)

Return the network.


  • If the node is a leaf, the root will be placed along the edge adjacent to the leaf. This might add a new node.

  • If the desired root placement is incompatible with one or more hybrids, then

    • the original network is restored with its old root and edges' direction.
    • a RootMismatch error is thrown.

See also: rootonedge!.

rootonedge!(HybridNetwork, edgeNumber::Integer; index::Bool=false)
rootonedge!(HybridNetwork, Edge)

Root the network/tree along an edge with number edgeNumber (by default) or with index edgeNumber if index=true. Attributes ischild1 and containroot are updated along the way.

This adds a new node and a new edge to the network. Use plot(net, showedgenumber=true, showedgelength=false) to visualize and identify an edge of interest. (see package PhyloPlots)

See also: rootatnode!.

rotate!(net::HybridNetwork, nodeNumber::Integer; orderedEdgeNum::Array{Int,1})

Rotates the order of the node's children edges. Useful for plotting, to remove crossing edges. If node is a tree node with no polytomy, the 2 children edges are switched and the optional argument orderedEdgeNum is ignored.

Use plot(net, shownodenumber=true, showedgenumber=false) to map node and edge numbers on the network, as shown in the examples below. (see package PhyloPlots)

Warning: assumes that edges are correctly directed (ischild1 updated). This is done by plot(net). Otherwise run directedges!(net).


julia> net = readnewick("(A:1.0,((B:1.1,#H1:0.2::0.2):1.2,(((C:0.52,(E:0.5)#H2:0.02::0.7):0.6,(#H2:0.01::0.3,F:0.7):0.8):0.9,(D:0.8)#H1:0.3::0.8):1.3):0.7):0.1;");
julia> using PhyloPlots
julia> plot(net, shownodenumber=true)
julia> rotate!(net, -4)
julia> plot(net)
julia> net=readnewick("(4,((1,(2)#H7:::0.864):2.069,(6,5):3.423):0.265,(3,#H7:::0.136):10.0);");
julia> plot(net, shownodenumber=true, showedgenumber=true)
julia> rotate!(net, -1, orderedEdgeNum=[1,12,9])
julia> plot(net, shownodenumber=true, showedgenumber=true)
julia> rotate!(net, -3)
julia> plot(net)

Note that LinearAlgebra also exports a function named rotate! in Julia v1.5. If both packages need to be used in Julia v1.5 or higher, usage of rotate! needs to be qualified, such as with PhyloNetworks.rotate!.

setgamma!(Edge, new γ, change_other=true)

Set inheritance probability γ for an edge, which must be a hybrid edge. The new γ needs to be in [0,1]. The γ of the "partner" hybrid edge is changed accordingly, to 1-γ. The field ismajor is also changed accordingly. If the new γ is approximately 0.5, Edge is set to the major parent, its partner is set to the minor parent.

If net is a HybridNetwork object, printedges(net) will show the list of edges and their γ's. The γ of the third hybrid edge (say) can be changed to 0.2 with setgamma!(net.edge[3],0.2). This will automatically set γ of the partner hybrid edge to 0.8.

The last argument is true by default. If false: the partner edge is not updated. This is useful if the new γ is 0.5, and the partner's γ is already 0.5, in which case the ismajor attributes can remain unchanged.

See also PhyloNetworks.setmultiplegammas!

setlength!(edge::Edge, new_length)

Assign new length to edge. new_length should be non-negative, or missing (or -1, interpreted as missing).

setlengths!(edges::Vector{Edge}, lengths::AbstractVector)

Assign new lengths to a vector of edges. Checks that the new edge lengths are non-negative or missing (or -1 to be interpreted as missing).

sharedpathmatrix(net::HybridNetwork; checkpreorder::Bool=true)

This function computes the shared path matrix between all the nodes of a network. It assumes that the network is in the pre-order. If checkpreorder is true (default), then it runs function preorder! on the network beforehand.

Returns an object of type MatrixTopologicalOrder.

shrink2cycles!(net::HybridNetwork, unroot::Bool=false)

If net contains a 2-cycle, collapse the cycle into one edge of length tA + γt1+(1-γ)t2 + tB (see below), and return true. Return false otherwise. A 2-cycle is a set of 2 parallel hybrid edges, from the same parent node to the same hybrid child node.

       A                A
       | tA             |
     parent             |
       | \              |
t2,1-γ |  | t1,γ        | tA + γ*t1 + (1-γ)*t2 + tB
       | /              |
     hybrid             |
       | tB             |
       B                B

If any of the lengths or gammas associated with a 2-cycle are missing, the combined length is missing. If γ is missing, branch lengths are calculated using γ=0.5.

If unroot is false and the root is up for deletion, it will be kept only if it is has degree 2 or more. If unroot is true and the root is up for deletion, it will be kept only if it has degree 3 or more. A root node with degree 1 will be deleted in both cases.

shrink3cycles!(net::HybridNetwork, unroot::Bool=false)

Remove all 2- and 3-cycles from a network.

Return true if net contains a 2-cycle or a 3-cycle; false otherwise. A 3-cycle (2-cycle) is a set of 3 (2) nodes that are all connected. One of them must be a hybrid node, since net is a DAG.

If unroot is false and the root is up for deletion, it will be kept only if it is has degree 2 or more. If unroot is true and the root is up for deletion, it will be kept only if it has degree 3 or more. A root node with degree 1 will be deleted in both cases.

See shrink3cycleat! for details on branch lengths and inheritance values.


Vector of taxon names at the leaves, defined for objects of various types: HybridNetwork, MatrixTopologicalOrder.

For a network, the taxon names are coerced to strings.


Return the tree-edge components of the semidirected network as a membership dictionary Node => Int. Nodes with the same membership integer value are in the same tree-edge component. The tree-edge components of a network are the connected components of the network when all hybrid edges are removed.

A RootMismatch error is thrown if there exists a cycle in any of the tree-edge components, or if a tree-edge component has more than one "entry" hybrid node.


  • since Nodes are mutable, the network should not be modified until usage of the output membership dictionary is over.
  • the component IDs are not predicable, but will be consecutive integers from 1 to the number of components.
treeedges_support(sample_net::Vector{HybridNetwork}, ref_net::HybridNetwork)`

Read a sample of networks sample_net (such as a bootstrap sample or a posterior sample) and a reference network (ref_net), and calculate the support for the tree edges in the reference network. All minor hybrid edges (γ<0.5) are removed to extract the major tree from each network. All remaining edges are tree edges, each associated with a bipartition.


  • a data frame with one row per tree edge and two columns: edge number, bootstrap support (as a percentage)
  • the major tree from the reference network, where minor hybrid edges (with γ<0.5) have been removed.
vcv(net::HybridNetwork; model::AbstractString="BM",

This function computes the variance covariance matrix between the tips of the network, assuming a Brownian model of trait evolution (with unit variance). If optional argument corr is set to true, then the correlation matrix is returned instead.

The function returns a DataFrame object, with columns named by the tips of the network.

The calculation of the covariance matrix requires a pre-ordering of nodes to be fast. If checkpreorder is true (default), then preorder! is run on the network beforehand. Otherwise, the network is assumed to be already in pre-order.

This function internally calls sharedpathmatrix, which computes the variance matrix between all the nodes of the network.


julia> tree_str = "(((t2:0.14,t4:0.33):0.59,t3:0.96):0.14,(t5:0.70,t1:0.18):0.90);";

julia> tree = readnewick(tree_str);

julia> C = vcv(tree)
5×5 DataFrame
 Row │ t2       t4       t3       t5       t1      
     │ Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64 
   1 │    0.87     0.73     0.14      0.0     0.0
   2 │    0.73     1.06     0.14      0.0     0.0
   3 │    0.14     0.14     1.1       0.0     0.0
   4 │    0.0      0.0      0.0       1.6     0.9
   5 │    0.0      0.0      0.0       0.9     1.08

The following block needs ape to be installed (not run):

julia> using RCall # Comparison with ape vcv function

julia> R"ape::vcv(ape::read.tree(text = $tree_str))"
     t2   t4   t3  t5   t1
t2 0.87 0.73 0.14 0.0 0.00
t4 0.73 1.06 0.14 0.0 0.00
t3 0.14 0.14 1.10 0.0 0.00
t5 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.6 0.90
t1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.9 1.08

The covariance can also be calculated on a network (for the model, see Bastide et al. 2018)

julia> net = readnewick("((t1:1.0,#H1:0.1::0.30):0.5,((t2:0.9)#H1:0.2::0.70,t3:1.1):0.4);");

julia> C = vcv(net)
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ t1       t2       t3      
     │ Float64  Float64  Float64 
   1 │    1.5     0.15      0.0
   2 │    0.15    1.248     0.28
   3 │    0.0     0.28      1.5
writemultinewick(nets, file_name; append=false)
writemultinewick(nets, IO)

Write an array of networks in parenthetical extended Newick format, one network per line. Use the option append=true to append to the file. Otherwise, the default is to create a new file or overwrite it, if it already existed. Each network is written with writenewick.


julia> net = [readnewick("(D,((A,(B)#H7:::0.864):2.069,(F,E):3.423):0.265,(C,#H7:::0.1361111):10);"),

julia> writemultinewick(net, "") # to (over)write to file ""
julia> writemultinewick(net, "", append=true) # to append to this file
julia> writemultinewick(net, stdout)         # to write to the screen (standard out)
writenewick(net, filename)
writenewick(net, IO)

Write the parenthetical extended Newick format of a network, as a string, to a file or to an IO buffer / stream. Optional arguments (default values):

  • di (false): write in format for Dendroscope
  • round (false): rounds branch lengths and heritabilities γ
  • digits (3): digits after the decimal place for rounding
  • append (false): if true, appends to the file
  • internallabel (true): if true, writes internal node labels

If the current root placement is not admissible, other placements are tried. The network is updated with this new root placement, if successful.

Uses lower-level function writesubtree!.

writesubtree!(IO, node, edge, dendroscope::Bool, namelabel::Bool,
              round_branch_lengths::Bool, digits::Integer, internallabel::Bool)

Write the extended newick format of the sub-network rooted at node and assuming that edge is a parent of node.

If the parent edge is nothing, the edge attribute ischild1 is used and assumed to be correct to write the subtree rooted at node. This is useful to write a subtree starting at a non-root node. Example:

net = readnewick("(((A,(B)#H1:::0.9),(C,#H1:::0.1)),D);")
s = IOBuffer()
writesubtree!(s, net.node[7], nothing, false, true)

Used by writenewick.

writesubtree!(IO, network, dendroscope::Bool, namelabel::Bool,
              round_branch_lengths::Bool, digits::Integer,

Write to IO the extended newick format (parenthetical description) of a network. If written for dendroscope, inheritance γ's are not written. If namelabel is true, taxa are labelled by their names; otherwise taxa are labelled by their number IDs. If unspecified, branch lengths and γ's are rounded to 3 digits. Use internallabel=false to suppress the labels of internal nodes.


Subtype of abstract Network type. Explicit network or tree with the following attributes:

  • numtaxa: number of taxa, that is, number of are leaves (or tips). Leaves are required to be attached to a single edge.
  • numnodes: total number of nodes: tips and internal nodes
  • numedges: total number of edges
  • numhybrids: total number of hybrid nodes
  • edge: vector of Edges
  • node: vector of Nodes
  • rooti: index of the root in vector 'node'. May be artificial in a semidirected network, but is necessary for printing and traversal purposes.
  • hybrid: vector of Nodes: those are are hybrid nodes
  • leaf: vector of Nodes: those that are leaves
  • fscore: score after fitting network to data, i.e. parsimony score, or multipe of the negative log pseudodeviance for SNaQ
  • isrooted: true or false
  • partition: vector of Partition
