Cluster graphs

A cluster graph groups the nodes $X_1,\dots,X_m$ of the phylogeny into several (possibly intersecting) clusters/subsets, such that for any node:

  • there is $\ge 1$ cluster that contains it and its parents (i.e. the clusters are (node) family-preserving)
  • the clusters that contain it are always joined as a tree, whose edge labels contain that node

Each edge between two clusters $\mathcal{C}_i,\mathcal{C}_j$ is labeled with a node subset $\mathcal{S}_{i,j}\subseteq\mathcal{C}_i\cap\mathcal{C}_j$ based on the second property. These labels are referred to as sepsets (i.e a "sep(arating) sets").

Intuitively, if the factors of a joint distribution $p_\theta$ over the nodes are distributed among the clusters, then the topology of the cluster graph implies the possible computational pathways in which these factors may be sequentially "combined" by product or marginalization.

For example, a cluster's belief is the cumulative result of computations that might follow some walk along the cluster graph, ending at that cluster. This is then interpreted as an estimate of its conditional distribution given the data.

Clique tree

A cluster graph whose topology is a tree is known as a clique tree. We provide the option to construct a clique tree, and 3 further options (below) for constructing (potentially) loopy cluster graphs.

A clique tree tends to have more clusters of larger size than a loopy cluster graph. The time-complexity of message passing on a cluster graph is parametrized by maximum cluster size, and so clique trees allow for exact inference but at a greater cost than approximate inference on a loopy cluster graph. Below is an example using a virus recombination network from Müller et al. (2022, Fig 1a) [4], with inheritance probabilities estimated from the inferred recombination breakpoints (see muller2022_nexus2newick.jl).

julia> net = readTopology(pkgdir(PhyloGaussianBeliefProp, "test/example_networks", "muller_2022.phy")); # 1161 edges, 801 nodes: 40 tips, 361 hybrid nodes, 400 internal tree nodes.

julia> preorder!(net)

julia> ct = PGBP.clustergraph!(net, PGBP.Cliquetree());

julia> PGBP.labels(ct) |> length # no. of vertices/clusters in clique tree

julia> PGBP.edge_labels(ct) |> length # no. of edges in clique tree, one less than no. of clusters

julia> clusters = PGBP.labels(ct) |> collect; # vector of cluster labels

julia> clusters[1] # cluster label is the concatenation of node labels

julia> ct[clusters[1]] # access metadata for `cluster[1]`: (node labels, preorder indices), nodes are arranged by decreasing preorder index
([:I300, :I301, :I302, :I189], Int16[722, 719, 717, 487])

julia> using StatsBase # `summarystats`

julia> (length(ct[cl][1]) for cl in PGBP.labels(ct)) |> collect |> summarystats # distribution of cluster sizes
Summary Stats:
Length:         664
Missing Count:  0
Mean:           6.728916
Std. Deviation: 6.120608
Minimum:        2.000000
1st Quartile:   4.000000
Median:         5.000000
3rd Quartile:   7.000000
Maximum:        54.000000

Bethe / Factor graph

The Bethe cluster graph has a cluster for each node family (factor clusters) and for each node (variable clusters). Each factor cluster is joined to the variable cluster for any node it contains.

julia> fg = PGBP.clustergraph!(net, PGBP.Bethe());

julia> (PGBP.labels(fg) |> length, PGBP.edge_labels(fg) |> length) # (no. of clusters, no. of edges)
(1557, 1914)

julia> (length(fg[cl][1]) for cl in PGBP.labels(fg)) |> collect |> summarystats
Summary Stats:
Length:         1557
Missing Count:  0
Mean:           1.743738
Std. Deviation: 0.809151
Minimum:        1.000000
1st Quartile:   1.000000
Median:         2.000000
3rd Quartile:   2.000000
Maximum:        3.000000

If each hybrid node has 2 parents (as for net), then the maximum cluster size is 3.

Join-graph structuring

Join-graph structuring allows the user to specify the maximum cluster size $k^*$. See JoinGraphStructuring for more details on the algorithm.

julia> jg = PGBP.clustergraph!(net, PGBP.JoinGraphStructuring(10));

julia> (PGBP.labels(jg) |> length, PGBP.edge_labels(jg) |> length)
(1001, 1200)

julia> (length(jg[cl][1]) for cl in PGBP.labels(jg)) |> collect |> summarystats
Summary Stats:
Length:         1001
Missing Count:  0
Mean:           6.036963
Std. Deviation: 2.177070
Minimum:        1.000000
1st Quartile:   4.000000
Median:         6.000000
3rd Quartile:   8.000000
Maximum:        10.000000

Since the set of clusters has to be family-preserving (see above), $k^*$ cannot be smaller than the largest node family (i.e. a node and its parents). For example, if the network has hybrid nodes, then $k^*\ge 3$ necessarily.

julia> jg = PGBP.clustergraph!(net, PGBP.JoinGraphStructuring(2));
ERROR: maxclustersize 2 is smaller than the size of largest node family 3.

On the other extreme, suppose we set $k^*=54$, the maximum cluster size of the clique tree above:

julia> jg2 = PGBP.clustergraph!(net, PGBP.JoinGraphStructuring(54));

julia> (PGBP.labels(jg2) |> length, PGBP.edge_labels(jg2) |> length)
(801, 800)

julia> (length(jg2[cl][1]) for cl in PGBP.labels(jg2)) |> collect |> summarystats
Summary Stats:
Length:         801
Missing Count:  0
Mean:           9.539326
Std. Deviation: 9.953078
Minimum:        1.000000
1st Quartile:   4.000000
Median:         5.000000
3rd Quartile:   10.000000
Maximum:        54.000000

then it turns out the jg2 is a clique tree (since the number of clusters and edges differ by 1), though not the same one as ct. Generally, a cluster graph with larger clusters is less likely to be loopy than one with smaller clusters.


For LTRIP, the user provides the set of clusters, which are assumed to be family-preserving (see above).

  1. For each node, the clusters that contain it are joined as a tree, prioritizing edges formed with clusters that intersect heavily with others. See LTRIP for details.
  2. The trees for each node are layered on one another (the sepsets for an edge are merged) to produce the cluster graph.

As an example, we use the clusters from join-graph structuring:

julia> clusters = (jg[cl][2] for cl in PGBP.labels(jg)) |> collect; # vector of clusters, each given as a vector of preorder indices in decreasing order

julia> lg = PGBP.clustergraph!(net, PGBP.LTRIP(clusters, net));

julia> (PGBP.labels(lg) |> length, PGBP.edge_labels(lg) |> length)
(1001, 1249)

The summary statistics would be the same as for jg's clusters, though it appears that lg is more densely connected than jg.

If the user does not provide the clusters, then the set of node families (see nodefamilies) is used by default:

julia> lg = PGBP.clustergraph!(net, PGBP.LTRIP(net));

julia> (PGBP.labels(lg) |> length, PGBP.edge_labels(lg) |> length)
(801, 1158)

There are 801 clusters, 1 per node (family), as expected.