PhyloCoalSimulations is a Julia package to simulate phylogenies under the coalescent. It depends on PhyloNetworks for the phylogenetic data structures, and manipulation of phylogenies.
References: please see bibtex entries here.
for this package and the network coalescent model with inheritance correlation:
Fogg, Allman & Ané (2023). PhyloCoalSimulations: A simulator for network multispecies coalescent models, including a new extension for the inheritance of gene flow. Systematic Biology, 72(5):1171–1179. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syad030.for PhyloNetworks, which this package depends on:
Solís-Lemus, Bastide & Ané (2017). PhyloNetworks: a package for phylogenetic networks. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34(12):3292–3298. doi:10.1093/molbev/msx235
For a tutorial, see the manual:
- getting started
- mapping gene trees into the species phylogeny
- converting between units
- number of generations in the network and gene trees
- correlated inheritance
- example uses
For help on individual functions, see the library: