
Trait evolution on a phylogeny

The evolution of molecular and phenotypic traits is commonly modeled using Markov processes along a rooted phylogeny.

For example, most models of continuous trait evolution on a phylogenetic tree are extensions of the Brownian motion (BM) to capture features such as:

  • evolutionary trends
  • adaptation
  • rate variation across lineages

Factoring the joint model

A Markov process along the phylogeny induces a joint distribution $p_\theta(x_1,\dots,x_m)$, with parameters $\theta$, over all nodes (trait vectors) $X_1,\dots,X_m$.

$p_\theta(x_1,\dots,x_m)$ can also be factored as the product of conditional distributions $\phi_v$ for each node $X_v$, where $\phi_v=p_\theta(x_v\mid x_{\mathrm{pa}(v)})$ is the distribution of $X_v$ given its parent(s) $X_{\mathrm{pa}(v)}$, e.g. $X_{\mathrm{pa}(v)}=\begin{bmatrix} X_{p_1} \\ X_{p_2}\end{bmatrix}$:

\[p_\theta(x_1,\dots,x_m) = \prod_{v=1}^n \phi_v\]

We focus on the case where all conditional distributions are linear Gaussian. That is, for each node $X_v$:

\[\begin{aligned} X_v\mid X_{\mathrm{pa}(v)} &\sim \mathcal{N}(\omega_v+ \bm{q}_v X_{\mathrm{pa}(v)},\bm{V}_v) \\ \phi_v &= (|2\pi\bm{V}_v|)^{-1/2}\exp(-||x_v-(\omega_v+\bm{q}_v x_{\mathrm{pa}(v)})||_{\bm{V}_v^{-1}}/2) \end{aligned}\]

with trend vector $\omega_v$, actualization matrix $\bm{q}_v$, and covariance matrix $\bm{V}_v$. For example, the BM on a phylogeny (and most of its extensions) satisfies this characterization [2].

Parameter inference

Typically, we observe the tips of the phylogeny $X_1=\mathrm{x}_1,\dots,X_n=\mathrm{x}_n$ and use these data for parameter inference by optimizing the log-likelihood $\mathrm{LL}(\theta)=\log\int p_\theta(\mathrm{x}_1,\dots,\mathrm{x}_n,x_{n+1}, \dots x_m)dx_{n+1}\dots dx_m$:

\[\widehat{\theta} = \argmax_{\theta} \ \mathrm{LL}(\theta)\]

For simpler models, it is possible to derive a closed-form expression for $\widehat{\theta}$ by solving:

\[\nabla_\theta \ [\mathrm{LL}(\theta)]|_{\theta=\widehat{\theta}}=0\]

for the zero of the log-likelihood gradient, and to compute it directly.

For more complicated models however, $\widehat{\theta}$ must be obtained by iterative methods that evaluate $\mathrm{LL}(\theta)$ over different parameter values.

In general, evaluating $\mathrm{LL}(\theta)$ is costly as the size and complexity of the phylogeny grows.

BP for exact inference

Belief propagation (BP) is a framework for efficiently computing various marginals of a joint distribution $p_\theta$ that can be factored into conditional distributions $\phi_v\in\Phi$, where $\Phi$ denotes the full set of conditional distributions. We refer to the reference book by Koller and Friedman (2009) [3] for more background on BP, and only sketch the main steps involved here:

  1. Construct a tree data structure called a clique tree (also known by junction tree, join tree, or tree decomposition), whose nodes $\mathcal{C}_i$, called clusters, are subsets of $\{X_1,\dots,X_m\}$.
  2. Each conditional distribution is assigned ($\mapsto$) to a cluster of the clique tree, and the product of all conditional distributions assigned to a cluster $\mathcal{C}_i$ initializes its belief $\beta_i = \prod_{\phi_v\mapsto\mathcal{C}_i,\ \phi_v\in\Phi}\phi_v$
  3. Each cluster computes messages from its belief, and propagates these to its neighbor clusters to update their beliefs.

$\mathrm{LL}(\theta)$ can be computed by passing messages according to a single postorder traversal of the clique tree,

An additional preorder traversal guarantees that every cluster belief is the corresponding marginal of $p_\theta$. That is, every cluster belief reflects the conditional distribution of the cluster given the data.

Loopy BP for approximate inference

A clique tree is a special case of a graph data structure called a cluster graph. In general, cluster graphs can be non-treelike with cycles.

BP on a loopy cluster graph (i.e. a cluster graph with cycles), abbreviated as loopy BP, can approximate the likelihood and conditional distributions of the unobserved, ancestral nodes, and be more computationally efficient than BP.


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