Evolutionary models

Specifying a process

Each trait evolutionary model is specified as a linear Gaussian process, such as a BM or some extension of it, that evolves along the phylogeny.

Minimally, the user provides a variance rate $\Sigma$, and a prior mean $\mu$ and variance $\bm{V}_{\!\!\rho}$ for the root state $X_\rho$. For example, $\bm{V}_{\!\!\rho}=0$ treats $X_\rho=\mu$ as known, while $\bm{V}_{\!\!\rho}=\infty$ disregards all prior beliefs about $X_\rho$.

For example, the univariate BM can be specified as:

julia> PGBP.UnivariateBrownianMotion(1, 0) # root variance v = 0 (fixed root)
Univariate Brownian motion

- evolutionary variance rate σ2 :
- root mean μ :

julia> PGBP.UnivariateBrownianMotion(1, 0, Inf) # root variance v = Inf (improper prior)
Univariate Brownian motion

- evolutionary variance rate σ2 :
- root mean μ :
- root variance v :

The multivariate BM is available to model multivariate traits. If the components of a multivariate trait evolve in an uncorrelated manner, then $\Sigma$ is a diagonal matrix and is specified its diagonal entries (e.g. MvDiagBrownianMotion). Otherwise, $\Sigma$ is potentially dense and is passed in whole (e.g. MvFullBrownianMotion).

julia> PGBP.MvDiagBrownianMotion([1, 0.5], [-1, 1]) # v = [0, 0]
Multivariate Diagonal Brownian motion

- evolutionary variance rates (diagonal values in the rate matrix): R :
[1.0, 0.5]
- root mean μ :
[-1.0, 1.0]

julia> PGBP.MvFullBrownianMotion([1 0.5; 0.5 1], [-1,1], [10^10 0; 0 10^10])
Multivariate Brownian motion

- evolutionary variance rate matrix: R :
[1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0]
- root mean μ :
[-1.0, 1.0]
- root variance v :
[1.0e10 0.0; 0.0 1.0e10]

$\Sigma$ can vary along the phylogeny. If path length $t\ge 0$ from the root represents evolutionary time, then the Early Burst (EB) model and Accelerating Rate (AC) model respectively allow $\Sigma$ to decay ($b<0$) and grow ($b>0$) along a time-consistent phylogeny:

\[\Sigma(t) = \Sigma_0\exp(bt), \text{ where } \Sigma_0 = \Sigma(0)\]

This model is not implemented at the moment.

Selection can be additionally modeled by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process, which allows a trait to diffuse with variance rate $\Sigma$ yet drift towards some optimal value $\theta$ (with selection "strength" $\bm{A}$).

julia> PGBP.UnivariateOrnsteinUhlenbeck(2, 3, -2, 0, 0.4) # σ2=2, below showing γ2 = σ2/(2α)
homogeneous univariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck

- stationary evolutionary variance γ2 :
- selection strength α :
- optimal value θ :
- root mean μ :
- root variance v :

Edge factors

After specifying the evolutionary model (e.g. m = PGBP.UnivariateBrownianMotion(1, 0)), it is eventually passed to init_beliefs_assignfactors! (see 4. Initialize cluster graph beliefs), which infers the conditional distribution for each node and assigns it to a cluster.

We refer to these conditional distributions as edge factors since they relate the states of a parent node and its child.

Hybrid factors

Each reticulation node $X_h$ has multiple parents $X_{p_1},\dots,X_{p_k}$, and is thus potentially associated with multiple edge factors. We reconcile these by modeling $X_h$ as a weighted-average of its "immediate parents", the child states for each of these edge factors.

Imagine that we introduce $k$ copies $X_{(p_1,h)},\dots,X_{(p_k,h)}$ of $X_h$, each of which descends from the corresponding $X_{p_i}$. Then $X_h$ is modeled as a weighted-average of $X_{(p_1,h)},\dots,X_{(p_k,h)}$:

\[X_h = \sum_{i=1}^k \gamma_{(p_i,h)} X_{(p_i,h)}\]

where the inheritance weights $\gamma_{(p_i,h)}$ are positive and sum to 1.

Thus, each tree node is associated with an edge factor, and each hybrid node with a hybrid factor.