Documentation for SNaQ.


default values for tolerance parameters, used in the optimization of branch lengths (fAbs, fRel, xAbs, xRel) and in the acceptance of topologies (likAbs, numFails).

if changes are made here, make the same in the docstring for snaq! below


v0.5.1: based on Nan Ji's work. same xAbs and xRel as in phylonet (as of 2015). earlier: multiplier was used; later: likAbs = multiplier*fAbs) "older": values from GLM.jl, Prof Bates

default values used on a single topology, to optimize branch lengths and gammas, at the very end of snaq!, and by topologyMaxQPseudolik! since v0.5.1.


type that contains the following attributes:

  • quartet (vector of Quartets)
  • numQuartets
  • tree (vector of trees: empty if a table of CF was input instead of list of trees)
  • numTrees (-1 if a table CF was input instead of list of trees)
  • repSpecies (taxon names that were repeated in table of CF or input gene trees: used inside snaq for multiple alleles case)

The list of Quartet may be accessed with the attribute .quartet. If the input was a list of trees, the HybridNetwork's can be accessed with the attribute .tree. For example, if the DataCF object is named d, d.quartet[1] will show the first quartet and d.tree[1] will print the first input tree.


type that saves the information on a given 4-taxon subset. It contains the following attributes:

  • number: integer
  • taxon: vector of taxon names, like t1 t2 t3 t4
  • obsCF: vector of observed CF, in order 12|34, 13|24, 14|23
  • logPseudoLik
  • ngenes: number of gene trees used to compute the observed CF; -1.0 if unknown
  • qnet: QuartetNetwork, which saves the expCF after snaq estimation to emphasize that the expCF depend on a specific network, not the data

see also: QuartetT for quartet with data of user-defined type T, using a mapping between quartet indices and quartet taxa.


Subtype of Network abstract type. A QuartetNetwork object is an internal type used to calculate the expected CFs of quartets on a given network. Attributes of the QuartetNetwork objects need not be updated at a given time (see below).

The procedure to calculate expected CFs for a given network is as follows:

  1. A QuartetNetwork object is created for each Quartet using extractQuartet!(net,d) for net::HybridNetwork and d::DataCF
  2. The vector d.quartet has all the Quartet objects, each with a QuartetNetwork object (q.qnet). Attibutes in QuartetNetwork are not updated at this point
  3. Attributes in QuartetNetwork are partially updated when calculating the expected CF (calculateExpCFAll!). To calculate the expected CF for this quartet, we need to update the attributes: which, typeHyb, t1, split, formula, expCF. To do this, we need to modify the QuartetNetwork object (i.e. merge edges,...). But we do not want to modify it directly because it is connected to the original net via a map of the edges and nodes, so we use a deep copy: qnet=deepcopy(q.qnet) and then calculateExpCFAll!(qnet). Attributes that are updated on the original QuartetNetwork object q.qnet are:
    • q.qnet.hasEdge: array of booleans of length equal to net.edge that shows which identifiable edges and gammas of net ( are in qnet (and still identifiable). Note that the first elements of the vector correspond to the gammas.
    • q.qnet.index: length should match the number of trues in qnet.hasEdge. It has the indexes in qnet.edge from the edges in qnet.hasEdge. Note that the first elements of the vector correspond to the gammas.
    • q.qnet.edge: list of edges in QuartetNetwork. Note that external edges in net are collapsed when they appear in QuartetNetwork, so only internal edges map directly to edges in net
    • q.qnet.expCF: expected CF for this Quartet

Why not modify the original QuartetNetwork? We wanted to keep the original QuartetNetwork stored in DataCF with all the identifiable edges, to be able to determine if this object had been changed or not after a certain optimization.

The process is:

  1. Deep copy of full network to create q.qnet for Quartet q. This QuartetNetwork object has only 4 leaves now, but does not have merged edges (the identifiable ones) so that we can correspond to the edges in net. This QuartetNetwork does not have other attributes updated.
  2. For the current set of branch lengths and gammas, we can update the attributes in q.qnet to compute the expected CF. The functions that do this will "destroy" the QuartetNetwork object by merging edges, removing nodes, etc... So, we do this process in qnet=deepcopy(q.qnet), and at the end, only update q.qnet.expCF.
  3. After we optimize branch lengths in the full network, we want to update the branch lengths in q.qnet. The edges need to be there (which is why we do not want to modify this QuartetNetwork object by merging edges), and we do not do a deep-copy of the full network again. We only change the values of branch lengths and gammas in q.qnet, and we can re-calculate the expCF by creating a deep copy qnet=deepcopy(q.qnet) and run the other functions (which merge edges, etc) to get the expCF.

Future work: there are definitely more efficient ways to do this (without the deep copies). In addition, currently edges that are no longer identifiable in QuartetNetwork do not appear in hasEdge nor index. Need to study this.

julia> net0 = readTopology("(s17:13.76,(((s3:10.98,(s4:8.99,s5:8.99)I1:1.99)I2:0.47,(((s6:2.31,s7:2.31)I3:4.02,(s8:4.97,#H24:0.0::0.279)I4:1.36)I5:3.64,((s9:8.29,((s10:2.37,s11:2.37)I6:3.02,(s12:2.67,s13:2.67)I7:2.72)I8:2.89)I9:0.21,((s14:2.83,(s15:1.06,s16:1.06)I10:1.78)I11:2.14)#H24:3.52::0.72)I12:1.47)I13:1.48)I14:1.26,(((s18:5.46,s19:5.46)I15:0.59,(s20:4.72,(s21:2.40,s22:2.40)I16:2.32)I17:1.32)I18:2.68,(s23:8.56,(s1:4.64,s2:4.64)I19:3.92)I20:0.16)I21:3.98)I22:1.05);");

julia> net = readTopologyLevel1(writeTopology(net0)) ## need level1 attributes for functions below
HybridNetwork, Un-rooted Network
46 edges
46 nodes: 23 tips, 1 hybrid nodes, 22 internal tree nodes.
tip labels: s17, s3, s4, s5, ...

julia> q1 = Quartet(1,["s1", "s16", "s18", "s23"],[0.296,0.306,0.398])
number: 1
taxon names: ["s1", "s16", "s18", "s23"]
observed CF: [0.296, 0.306, 0.398]
pseudo-deviance under last used network: 0.0 (meaningless before estimation)
expected CF under last used network: Float64[] (meaningless before estimation)

julia> qnet = SNaQ.extractQuartet!(net,q1)
taxa: ["s1", "s16", "s18", "s23"]
number of hybrid nodes: 1

julia> sum([e.istIdentifiable for e in net.edge]) ## 23 identifiable edges in net

julia> idedges = [ee.number for ee in net.edge[[e.istIdentifiable for e in net.edge]]];

julia> print(idedges)
[5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46]

julia> length(qnet.hasEdge) ## 24 = 1 gamma + 23 identifiable edges

julia> sum(qnet.hasEdge) ## 8 = 1 gamma + 7 identifiable edges in qnet

julia> print(idedges[qnet.hasEdge[2:end]]) ## 7 id. edges: [12, 13, 29, 30, 31, 45, 46]
[12, 13, 29, 30, 31, 45, 46]

julia> qnet.edge[qnet.index[1]].number ## 11 = minor hybrid edge


Generic type for 4-taxon sets. Fields:

  • number: rank of the 4-taxon set
  • taxonnumber: static vector of 4 integers, assumed to be distinct and sorted
  • data: object of type T

For easier look-up, a unique mapping is used between the rank (number) of a 4-taxon set and its 4 taxa (see quartetrank and nchoose1234):

rank-1 = (t1-1) choose 1 + (t2-1) choose 2 + (t3-1) choose 3 + (t4-1) choose 4


julia> nCk = SNaQ.nchoose1234(5)
6×4 Matrix{Int64}:
 0   0   0  0
 1   0   0  0
 2   1   0  0
 3   3   1  0
 4   6   4  1
 5  10  10  5

julia> SNaQ.QuartetT(1,3,4,6, [.92,.04,.04, 100], nCk)
4-taxon set number 8; taxon numbers: 1,3,4,6
data: [0.92, 0.04, 0.04, 100.0]

afterOptBL road map

Function that will check if there are h==0,1;t==0,hz==0,1 cases in a network after calling optBL!.


  • closeN=true will move origin/target, if false, add/delete N times before giving up (we have only tested closeN=true)
  • origin=true will move origin, false will move target. We added this to avoid going back and forth between the same networks
  • movesgamma vector of counts of number of times each move is proposed to fix a gamma zero problem: (add,mvorigin,mvtarget,chdir,delete,nni)


  • First we split the ht vector in nh,nt,nhz (gammas, lengths, gammaz)

  • If we find a h==0,1, we loop through nh to find a hybrid edge with h==0 or 1 and want to try to fix this by doing:

    • gammaZero!(currT,d,edge,closeN,origin,N,movesgamma) which returns true if there was a successful change, and we stop the loop
  • If we find a t==0, we loop through all nt to find such edge, and do NNI move on this edge; return true if change successful and we stop the loop

  • If we find a hz==0,1, we loop through nhz to find such hybrid edge and call gammaZero again

  • If we did a successful change, we run optBL again, and recheck if there are no more problems.

  • Returns successchange, flagh, flagt,flaghz (flag=true means no problems)

  • If it is the multiple alleles case, it will not try to fix h==0,1;hz==0,1 because it can reach a case that violates the multiple alleles condition. If we add a check here, things become horribly slow and inefficient, so we just delete a hybridization that has h==0,1;hz==0,1

** Important: ** afterOptBL is doing only one change, but we need to repeat multiple times to be sure that we fix all the gamma zero problems, which is why we call afterOptBLRepeat


afterOptBLAll road map

After optBL, we want to call afterOptBLAll (or afterOptBLAllMultipleAlleles) to check if there are h==0,1; t==0; hz==0,1. This function will try to fix the gamma zero problem, but if it cannot, it will call moveDownLevel, to delete the hybridization from the network.


While startover=true and tries<N

  • While badliks < N2 (number of bad pseudolikelihoods are less than N2)
    • Run success = afterOptBLRepeat
    • If success = true (it changed something):
      • If worse pseudolik, then go back to original topology currT, set startover=true and badliks++
      • If better pseudolik, then check flags. If all good, then startover=false; otherwise startover = true
    • If success = false (nothing changed), then set badliks=N2+1 (to end the while on currT)
      • If all flags are ok, then startover = false
      • If bad h or hz, then call moveDownLevel (delete one hybridization), and set startover = true (maybe deleting that hybridization did not fix other gamma zero problems)
      • If bad t, then set startover = false
  • If left second while by back to original currT, and still bad h/hz, then move down one level, and startover=true; otherwise startover=false

If first while ends by tries>N, then it checks one last time the flags, if bad h/hz will move down one level, and exit


afterOptBLRepeat road map

afterOptBL is doing only one change, but we need to repeat multiple times to be sure that we fix all the gamma zero problems, which is why we call afterOptBLRepeat. This function will repeat afterOptBL every time a successful change happened; this is done only if closeN=false, because we would delete/add hybridizations and need to stop after tried N times. If closeN=true (default), then afterOptBLRepeat only does one afterOptBL, because in this case, only the neighbor edges need to be tested, and this would have been done already in gammaZero.

bootsnaq(T::HybridNetwork, df::DataFrame)
bootsnaq(T::HybridNetwork, vector of tree lists)

Bootstrap analysis for SNaQ. Bootstrap data can be quartet concordance factors (CF), drawn from sampling uniformly in their credibility intervals, as given in the data frame df. Alternatively, bootstrap data can be gene trees sampled from a vector of tree lists: one list of bootstrap trees per locus (see readBootstrapTrees to generate this, from a file containing a list of bootstrap files: one per locus).

From each bootstrap replicate, a network is estimated with snaq!, with a search starting from topology T. Optional arguments include the following, with default values in parentheses:

  • hmax (1): max number of reticulations in the estimated networks
  • nrep (10): number of bootstrap replicates.
  • runs (10): number of independent optimization runs for each replicate
  • filename ("bootsnaq"): root name for output files. No output files if "".
  • seed (0 to get a random seed from the clock): seed for random number generator
  • otherNet (empty): another starting topology so that each replicate will start prcnet% runs on otherNet and (1-prcnet)% runs on T
  • prcnet (0): percentage of runs starting on otherNet; error if different than 0.0, and otherNet not specified.
  • ftolRel, ftolAbs, xtolRel, xtolAbs, liktolAbs, Nfail, probST, verbose, outgroup: see snaq!, same defaults.

If T is a tree, its branch lengths are first optimized roughly with updateBL! (by using the average CF of all quartets defining each branch and calculating the coalescent units corresponding to this quartet CF). If T has one or more reticulations, its branch lengths are taken as is to start the search. The branch lengths of otherNet are always taken as is to start the search.

calculateObsCFAll!(DataCF, taxa::Union{Vector{<:AbstractString}, Vector{Int}})

Calculate observed concordance factors: update the .quartet[i].obsCF values of the DataCF object based on its .tree vector.

calculateObsCFAll!(vector of quartets, vector of trees, taxa)

Calculate observed concordance factors: update the .obsCF values of the quartets, based on the trees, and returns a new DataCF object with these updated quartets and trees.

calculateObsCFAll_noDataCF!(vector of quartets, vector of trees, taxa)

update the .obsCF values of the quartets based on the trees, but returns nothing.

Warning: all these functions need input trees (without any reticulations: h=0).

See also: countquartetsintrees, which uses a faster algorithm, processing each input tree only once. calculateObsCFAll_noDataCF! processes each input tree # quartet times.


Check that the data frame has one column named "allele" or "individual", and one column named "species". Output: indices of these column.

countquartetsintrees(trees [, taxonmap]; which=:all, weight_byallele=true)

Calculate the quartet concordance factors (CF) observed in the trees vector. If present, taxonmap should be a dictionary that maps each allele name to it's species name. To save to a file, first convert to a data frame using writeTableCF. When which=:all, quartet CFs are calculated for all 4-taxon sets. (Other options are not implemented yet.)

The algorithm runs in O(mn⁴) where m is the number of trees and n is the number of tips in the trees.

CFs are calculated at the species level only, that is, considering 4-taxon sets made of 4 distinct species, even if the gene trees may have multiple alleles from the same species. For 4 distinct species a,b,c,d, all alleles from each species (a etc.) will be considered to calculate the quartet CF.

By default, each gene has a weight of 1. So if there are n_a alleles from a, n_b alleles from b etc. in a given gene, then each set of 4 alleles has a weight of 1/(n_a n_b b_c n_c) in the calculation of the CF for a,b,c,d. With option weight_byallele=true, then each set of 4 alleles is given a weight of 1 instead. This inflates the total number of sets used to calculate the quartet CFs (to something larger than the number of genes). This may also affect the CF values if the number of alleles varies across genes: genes with more alleles will be given more weight.


julia> tree1 = readTopology("(E,(A,B),(C,D),O);"); tree2 = readTopology("(((A,B),(C,D)),E);");

julia> q,t = countquartetsintrees([tree1, tree2]);
Reading in trees, looking at 15 quartets in each...

julia> t # taxon order: t[i] = name of taxon number i
6-element Vector{String}:

julia> length(q) # 15 four-taxon sets on 6 taxa

julia> q[1] # both trees agree on AB|CD: resolution 1
4-taxon set number 1; taxon numbers: 1,2,3,4
data: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0]

julia> q[8] # tree 2 is missing O (taxon 6), tree 1 wants resolution 3: AO|CD
4-taxon set number 8; taxon numbers: 1,3,4,6
data: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]

julia> q[11] # tree 1 has ACEO unresolved, and tree 2 is missing O: no data for this quartet
4-taxon set number 11; taxon numbers: 1,3,5,6
data: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

julia> tree1 = readTopology("(E,(a1,B),(a2,D),O);"); tree2 = readTopology("(((a1,a2),(B,D)),E);");

julia> q,t = countquartetsintrees([tree1, tree2], Dict("a1"=>"A", "a2"=>"A"); showprogressbar=false);

julia> t
5-element Vector{String}:

julia> q[1] # tree 1 has discordance: a1B|DE and a2D|BE. tree 2 has AE|BD for both alleles of A
4-taxon set number 1; taxon numbers: 1,2,3,4
data: [0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 2.0]

julia> q[3] # tree 2 is missing O (taxon 5), and a2 is unresolved in tree 1. There's only a1B|EO
4-taxon set number 3; taxon numbers: 1,2,4,5
data: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]

julia> df = writeTableCF(q,t); # to get a DataFrame that can be saved to a file later

julia> show(df, allcols=true)
5×9 DataFrame
 Row │ qind   t1      t2      t3      t4      CF12_34  CF13_24  CF14_23  ngenes  
     │ Int64  String  String  String  String  Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64 
   1 │     1  A       B       D       E          0.25     0.25      0.5      2.0
   2 │     2  A       B       D       O          0.5      0.5       0.0      1.0
   3 │     3  A       B       E       O          1.0      0.0       0.0      0.5
   4 │     4  A       D       E       O          1.0      0.0       0.0      0.5
   5 │     5  B       D       E       O          0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0

julia> # using CSV; CSV.write(df, "filename.csv");

julia> tree2 = readTopology("((A,(B,D)),E);");

julia> q,t = countquartetsintrees([tree1, tree2], Dict("a1"=>"A", "a2"=>"A"); weight_byallele=true);
Reading in trees, looking at 5 quartets in each...

julia> show(writeTableCF(q,t), allcols=true)
5×9 DataFrame
 Row │ qind   t1      t2      t3      t4      CF12_34   CF13_24   CF14_23   ngenes  
     │ Int64  String  String  String  String  Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64 
   1 │     1  A       B       D       E       0.333333  0.333333  0.333333      3.0
   2 │     2  A       B       D       O       0.5       0.5       0.0           2.0
   3 │     3  A       B       E       O       1.0       0.0       0.0           1.0
   4 │     4  A       D       E       O       1.0       0.0       0.0           1.0
   5 │     5  B       D       E       O       0.0       0.0       0.0           0.0

deleteLeaf!(net::HybridNetwork, leaf::AbstractString) deleteLeaf!(net::Network, leaf::Node)

Deletes the leaf taxon from the network. The leaf argument is the name of the taxon to delete.


  • requires a level-1 network with up-to-date attributes for snaq! (e.g. non-missing branch lengths, gammaz, etc.)
  • does not care where the root is and does not update it to a sensible location if the root is affected by the leaf removal.
  • does not merge edges, i.e. does not remove all nodes of degree 2. Within snaq!, this is used to extract quartets and to keep track of which edge lengths in the original network map to the quartet network.
fittedQuartetCF(d::DataCF, format::Symbol)

Data frame with the observed and expected quartet concordance factors after estimation of a network with snaq!, or fitting of quartet CF data on a fixed network. The format can be :wide (default) or :long.

  • if wide, the output has one row per 4-taxon set, and each row has 10 columns: 4 columns for the taxon names, 3 columns for the observed CFs and 3 columns for the expected CF.
  • if long, the output has one row per quartet, i.e. 3 rows per 4-taxon sets, and 7 columns: 4 columns for the taxon names, one column to give the quartet resolution, one column for the observed CF and the last column for the expected CF.

see also: topologyQPseudolik! and topologyMaxQPseudolik! to update the fitted quartet CF expected under a specific network, inside the DataCF object d.


gammaZero road map

Function that tries to fix a gamma zero problem (h==0,1; t==0; hz==0,1)

  1. First tries to do changeDirection
  2. If not successful from start, we call moveHybrid
  3. If successful move (change direction), we call optBL and check if we fixed the problem
  4. If problem fixed and we do not have worse pseudolik, we return success=true
  5. If still problem or worse pseudolik, we call moveHybrid

** Important: ** Any function (afterOptBL) calling gammaZero is assuming that it only made a change, so if the returned value is true, then a change was made, and the other function needs to run optBL and check that all parameters are 'valid'. If the returned value is false, then no change was possible and we need to remove a hybridization if the problem is h==0,1; hz==0,1. If the problem is t==0, we ignore this problem.

getNeighborsTarget(hybrid_node, majoredge)

Vector of edges that are incident to either:

  • the node incident to majoredge other than hybrid_node, or
  • the tree child of hybrid_node.

This vector of edges is used as the list of suitable neighbors of "othermin" to move the target of a hybrid edge, in moveTargetUpdateRepeat!.

hybridatnode!(net::HybridNetwork, nodeNumber::Integer)

Change the direction and status of edges in network net, to move the hybrid node in a cycle to the node with number nodeNumber. This node must be in one (and only one) cycle, otherwise an error will be thrown. Check and update the nodes' field inCycle.

Output: net after hybrid modification.

Assumption: net must be of level 1, that is, each blob has a single cycle with a single reticulation.


net = readTopology("(A:1.0,((B:1.1,#H1:0.2::0.2):1.2,(((C:0.52,(E:0.5)#H2:0.02::0.7):0.6,(#H2:0.01::0.3,F:0.7):0.8):0.9,(D:0.8)#H1:0.3::0.8):1.3):0.7):0.1;");
using PhyloPlots
plot(net, shownodenumber=true); # to locate nodes and their numbers. D of hybrid origin
hybridatnode!(net, -4)
plot(net, shownodenumber=true); # hybrid direction reversed: now 2B of hybrid origin
hybridatnode!(net::HybridNetwork, hybrid::Node, newNode::Node)

Move the reticulation from hybrid to newNode, which must in the same cycle. net is assumed to be of level 1, but no checks are made and fields are supposed up-to-date.

Called by hybridatnode!(net, nodenumber), which is itself called by undirectedOtherNetworks.

hybridatnode(net::HybridNetwork, nodeNumber::Integer)

Move the hybrid node in a cycle to make node number nodeNumber a hybrid node Compared to [hybridatnode!], this method checks that net is of level 1 (required) and does not modify it.

mapAllelesCFtable!(quartet CF DataFrame, mapping DataFrame, columns, write?, filename)

Modify (and return) the quartet concordance factor (CF) DataFrame: replace each allele name by the species name that the allele maps onto based on the mapping data frame. This mapping data frame should have columns named "allele" and "species" (see rename! to change column names if need be).

If write? is true, the modified data frame is written to a file named "filename".

Warning: mapAllelesCFtable takes the quartet data file as its second argument, while mapAllelesCFtable! takes the quartet data (which it modifies) as its first argument.

mapAllelesCFtable(mapping file, CF file; filename, columns, delim)

Create a new DataFrame containing the same concordance factors as in the input CF file, but with modified taxon names. Each allele name in the input CF table is replaced by the species name that the allele maps onto, based on the mapping file. The mapping file should have column names: allele and species.

Optional arguments:

  • file name to write/save resulting CF table. If not specified, then the output data frame is not saved to a file.
  • column numbers for the taxon names. 1-4 by default.
  • any keyword arguments that CSV.File would accept. For example, delim=',' by default: columns are delimited by commas. Unless specified otherwise by the user, pool=false (to read taxon names as Strings, not levels of a categorical factor, for combining the 4 columns with taxon names more easily). The same CSV arguments are used to read both input file (mapping file and quartet file)

See also mapAllelesCFtable! to input DataFrames instead of file names.

If a filename is specified, such as "quartetCF_speciesNames.csv" in the example below, this file is best read later with the option pool=false. example:

mapAllelesCFtable("allele-species-map.csv", "allele-quartet-CF.csv";
                  filename = "quartetCF_speciesNames.csv")
df_sp ="quartetCF_speciesNames.csv", DataFrame); # DataFrame object
dataCF_specieslevel = readTableCF!(df_sp, mergerows=true); # DataCF object

moveHybrid road map

Function that tries to fix a gamma zero problem (h==0,1; t==0; hz==0,1) after changing direction of hybrid edge failed. This function is called in gammaZero.


  • closeN=true will try move origin/target on all neighbors (first choose minor/major edge at random, then make list of all neighbor edges and tries to put the hybrid node in all the neighbors until successful move); if false, will delete and add hybrid until successful move up to N times (this is never tested)

Returns true if change was successful (not testing optBL again), and false if we could not move anything

moveTargetUpdate!(net, hybrid_node, majoredge, newedge)

Modify a level-1 network net by moving majoredge, which should be a hybrid edge parent of hybrid_node. Within SNaQ, majoredge is chosen by chooseMinorMajor.

  • calls moveTarget!(net,hybrid_node, majoredge, treeedge_belowhybrid, newedge), which does the move but does not update any attributes
  • updates all level-1 attributes needed for SNaQ: gammaz, containRoot
  • un-does the move and updates if the move is invalid, through another call to moveTarget! but with the "undo" option.

newedge should be a tree edge (enforced by chooseEdgeOriginTarget!) adjacent to the parent node of majoredge or to the tree child of hybrid_node (enforced by getNeighborsTarget)

Output: tuple of 3 booleans (success, flag_triangle, flag_root).

  • success is false if the move failed (lead to an invalid network for SNaQ)
  • flag_triangle is false if net.hasVeryBadTriangle
  • flag_root is false if the set of edges to place the root is empty

If success is false, then the flags are not meant to be used downstream.


nmax+1 x 4 matrix containing the binomial coefficient "n choose k" in row n+1 and column k. In other words, M[i,k] gives "i-1 choose k". It is useful to store these values and look them up to rank (a large number of) 4-taxon sets: see quartetrank.


optBL road map

Function that optimizes the numerical parameters (branch lengths and inheritance probabilities) for a given network. This function is called multiple times inside optTopLevel!.

  • Input: network net, data d
  • Numerical tolerances: ftolAbs, ftolRel, xtolAbs, xtolRel
  • Function based on MixedModels fit function
  • The function assumes net has all the right attributes, and cannot check this inside because it would be inefficient


  • ht = parameters!(net) extracts the vector of parameters to estimate (h,t,gammaz), and sets as; identifies a bad diamond I, sets net.numht (vector of hybrid node numbers for h, edge numbers for t, hybrid node numbers for gammaz), and net.index to keep track of the vector of parameters to estimate
  • extractQuartet!(net,d) does the following for all quartets in d.quartet:
    • Extract quartet by deleting all leaves not in q -> create QuartetNetwork object saved in q.qnet
    • This network is ugly and does not have edges collapsed. This is done to keep a one-to-one correspondence between the edges in q.qnet and the edges in net (if we remove nodes with only two edges, we will lose this correspondence)
    • Calculate expected CF with calculateExpCFAll for a copy of q.qnet. We do this copy because we want to keep q.qnet as it is (without collapsed edges into one). The function will then save the expCF in q.qnet.expCF
  • calculateExpCFAll!(qnet) will
    • identify the type of quartet as type 1 (equivalent to a tree) or type 2 (minor CF different). Here the code will first clean up any hybrid node by removing nodes with only two edges before identifying the qnet (because identification depends on neighbor nodes to hybrid node); later, set qnet.which (1 or 2), node.prev (neighbor node to hybrid node), updates node.k (number of nodes in hybridization cycle, this can change after deleting the nodes with only two edges), node.typeHyb (1,2,3,4,5 depending on the number of nodes in the hybridization cycle and the origin/target of the minor hybrid edge; this attribute is never used).
    • eliminate hybridization: this will remove type 1 hybridizations first. If qnet.which=1, then the qnet is similar to a tree quartet, so it will calculate the internal length of the tree quartet: qnet.t1.
    • update split for qnet.which=1, to determine which taxa are together. For example, for the quartet 12|34, the split is [1,1,2,2] or [2,2,1,1], that is, taxon 1 and 2 are on the same side of the split. This will update qnet.split
    • update formula for qnet.which=1 to know the order of minorCF and majorCF in the vector qnet.expCF. That is, if the quartet is 1342 (order in qnet.quartet.taxon), then the expected CF should match the observed CF in 13|42, 14|32, 12|34 and the qnet is 12|34 (given by qnet.split), qnet.formula will be [2,2,1] minor, minor, major
    • calculateExpCF!(qnet) for qnet.which=1, it will do 1-2/3exp(-qnet.t1) if qnet.formula[i]==1, and 1/3exp(qnet.t1) if qnet.formula[i]==2. For qnet.which=2, we need to make sure that there is only one hybrid node, and compute the major, minor1,minor2 expected CF in the order 12|34, 13|24, 14|23 of the taxa in qnet.quartet.taxon

Then we create a NLopt object with algorithm BOBYQA and k parameters (length of ht). We define upper and lower bounds and define the objective function that should only depend on x=(h,t,gz) and g (gradient, which we do not have, but still need to put as argument).

The objective function obj(x,g) calls

  • calculateExpCFAll!(d,x,net) needs to be run after extractQuartet(net,d) that will update q.qnet for all quartet. Assumes that qnet.indexht is updated already: we only need to do this at the beginning of optBL! because the topology is fixed at this point)
    • First it will update the edge lengths according to x
    • If the q.qnet.changed=true (that is, any of qnet branches changed value), we need to call calculateExpCFAll!(qnet) on a copy of q.qnet (again because we want to leave q.qnet with the edge correspondence to net)
  • update!(net,x) simply saves the new x in

Finally, we call NLopt.optimize, and we update the net.loglik and at the end. After optBL, we want to call afterOptBLAll (or afterOptBLAllMultipleAlleles) to check if there are h==0,1; t==0; hz==0,1.


optTopLevel road map

Function that does most of the heavy-lifting of snaq. It optimizes the pseudolikelihood for a given starting topology, and returns the best network. Assumes that the starting topology is level-1 network, and has all the attributes correctly updated.

Input parameters:

  • Starting topology currT, input data DataCF d, maximum number of hybridizations hmax
  • Numerical optimization parameters: liktolAbs, Nfail, ftolRel, ftolAbs, xtolRel, xtolAbs
  • Print parameters: verbose, logfile, writelog
  • Parameters to tune the search in space of networks: closeN=true only propose move origin/target to neighbor edges (coded, but not tested with closeN=false), Nmov0 vector with maximum number of trials allowed per type of move (add, mvorigin, mvtarget, chdir, delete, nni), by default computed inside with coupon’s collector formulas

The optimization procedure keeps track of

  • movescount: count of proposed moves,
  • movesgamma: count of proposed moves to fix a gamma zero situation (see below for definition of this situation),
  • movesfail: count of failed moves by violation of level-1 network (inCycle attribute) or worse pseudolikelihood than current,
  • failures: number of failed proposals that had a worse pseudolikelihood

Optimization procedure:

While the difference between current loglik and proposed loglik is greater than liktolAbs, or failures<Nfail, or stillmoves=true:

  • Nmov is updated based on newT. The type of move proposed will depend on newT (which is the same as currT at this point). For example, if currT is a tree, we cannot propose move origin/target.

  • move = whichMove selects randomly a type of move, depending on Nmov,movesfail,hmax,newT with weights 1/5 by default for all, and 0 for delete. These weights are adjusted depending on newT.numHybrids and hmax. If newT.numHybrids is far from hmax, we give higher probability to adding a new hybrid (we want to reach the hmax sooner, maybe not the best strategy, easy to change). Later, we adjust the weights by movesfail (first, give weight of 0 if movesfail[i]>Nmov[i], that is, if we reached the maximum possible number of moves allowed for a certain type) and then increase the probability of the other moves. So, unless one move has w=0, nothing changes. This could be improved by using the outlier quartets to guide the proposal of moves.

  • whichMove will choose a move randomly from the weights, it will return none if no more moves allowed, in which case, the optimization ends

  • flag=proposedTop!(move, newT) will modify newT based on move. The function proposedTop will return flag=true if the move was successful (the move succeeded by inCycle, containRoot, available edge to make the move (more details in proposedTop)). If flag=false, then newT is cleaned, except for the case of multiple alleles. The function proposedTop keeps count of movescount (successful move), movesfail (unsuccessful move),


    random=true: moves major/minor hybrid edge with prob h,1-h, respectively

    N=10: number of trials for NNI edge.

  • if(flag) Optimize branch lengths with optBL

    If newT.loglik is better than currT.loglik by liktolAbs, jump to newT (accepted=true) and fix gamma=0, t=0 problems (more info on afterOptBL)

    If(accepted) failures=0, movesfail=zeros, movescount for successful move +1

end while

After choosing the best network newT, we do one last more thorough optimization of branch lengths with optBL, we change non identifiable branch lengths to -1 (only in debug mode) and return newT

optTopRun1!(net, liktolAbs, Nfail, d::DataCF, hmax, etc.)

The function will run 1 run by modifying the starting topology and calling optTopLevel. See optTopRuns! for a roadmap.

probST (default in snaq is 0.3) is the probability of starting one run at the same input tree. So, with probability 1-probST, we will change the topology by a NNI move on a tree edge without neighbor hybrid. If the starting topology is a network, then with probability 1-probST it will also modify one randomly chosen hybrid edge: with prob 0.5, the function will move origin, with prob 0.5 will do move target.

If there are multiple alleles (d.repSpecies not empty), then the function has to check that the starting topology does not violate the multiple alleles condition.

After modifying the starting topology with NNI and/or move origin/target, optTopLevel is called.


Road map for various functions behind snaq!


All return their optimized network.

  • snaq! calls optTopRuns! once, after a deep copy of the starting network. If the data contain multiple alleles from a given species, snaq! first expands the leaf for that species into 2 separate leaves, and merges them back into a single leaf after calling optTopRuns!.
  • optTopRuns! calls optTopRun1! several (nrun) times. assumes level-1 network with >0 branch lengths. assumes same tips in network as in data: i.e. 2 separate tips per species that has multiple alleles. each call to optTopRun1! gets the same starting network.
  • optTopRun1! calls optTopLevel! once, after deep copying + changing the starting network slightly.
  • optTopLevel! calls optBL! various times and proposes new network with various moves.

proposedTop!(move,newT,random,count,N,movescount,movesfail,multall) road map

Function to change the current network newT by a given move, and checks that the move was successful (correct attributes). If not successful, newT is changed back to its original state, except for the case of multiple alleles.

Note that the update of attributes by each move is not done in all the network, but only in the local edges that were changed by the move. This is efficient (and makes a move easy to undo), but makes the code of each move function very clunky.


  • move chosen from whichMove as described in optTopLevel
  • newT is the topology that will be modified inside with the move
  • random=true: chooses minor hybrid edge with prob 1-h, and major edge with prob h, if false, always chooses minor hybrid edge
  • count: simply which likelihood step we are in in the optimization at optTopLevel
  • movescount and movesfail: vector of counts of number of moves proposed
  • multall=true if multiple alleles case: we need to check if the move did not violate the multiple alleles condition (sister alleles together and no gene flow into the alleles). This is inefficient because we are proposing moves that we can reject later, instead of being smart about the moves we propose: for example, move origin/target could rule out some neighbors that move gene flow into the alleles, the same for add hybridization; nni move can check if it is trying to separate the alleles)


  • addHybridizationUpdate(newT,N):

will choose a partition first (to avoid choosing edges that will create a non level-1 network) will choose two edges from this partition randomly, will not allow two edges in a cherry (non-identifiable), or sister edges that are not identifiable (the blacklist was a way to keep track of "bad edges" were we should not waste time trying to put hybridizations, it has never been used nor tested). Also choose gamma from U(0,0.5). The "Update" in the function name means that it creates the new hybrid, and also updates all the attributes of newT

  • node = chooseHybrid(newT) choose a hybrid randomly for the next moves:
  • moveOriginUpdateRepeat!(newT,node,random)

will choose randomly the minor/major hybrid edge to move (if random=true); will get the list of all neighbor edges where to move the origin, will move the origin and update all the attributes and check if the move was successful (not conflicting attributes); if not, will undo the move, and try with a different neighbor until it runs out of neighbors. Return true if the move was successful.

  • moveTargetUpdateRepeat!(newT,node,random)

same as move origin but moving the target

  • changeDirectionUpdate!(newT,node,random)

chooses minor/major hybrid edge at random (if `random=true), and changes the direction, and updates all the attributes. Checks if the move was successful (returns true), or undoes the change and returns false.

  • deleteHybridizationUpdate!(newT,node)

removes the hybrid node, updates the attributes, no need to check any attributes, always successful move

  • NNIRepeat!(newT,N)

choose an edge for nni that does not have a neighbor hybrid. It will try to find such an edge N times, and if it fails, it will return false (unsuccessful move). N=10 by default. If N=1, it rarely finds such an edge if the network is small or complex. The function cannot choose an external edge. it will update locally the attributes.

** Important: ** All the moves undo what they did if the move was not successful, so at the end you either have a newT with a new move and with all good attributes, or the same newT that started. This is important to avoid having to do deepcopy of the network before doing the move. Also, after each move, when we update the attributes, we do not update the attributes of the whole network, we only update the attributes of the edges that were affected by the move. This saves time, but makes the code quite clunky. Only the case of multiple alleles the moves does not undo what it did, because it finds out that it failed after the function is over, so just need to treat this case special.

quartetdata_columnnames(T) where T <: StaticArray

Vector of column names to hold the quartet data of type T in a data frame. If T is a length-3 vector type, they are "CF1234","CF1324","CF1423". If T is a length-4 vector type, the 4th name is "ngenes". If T is a 3×n matrix type, the output vector contains 3×n names, 3 for each of "CF", "V2", "V3", ... "Vn".

Used by writeTableCF to build a data frame from a vector of QuartetT objects.

quartetrank(t1,t2,t3,t4, nCk::Matrix)
quartetrank([t1,t2,t3,t4], nCk)

Return the rank of a four-taxon set with taxon numbers t1,t2,t3,t4, assuming that tis are positive integers such that t1<t2, t2<t3 and t3<t4 (assumptions not checked!). nCk should be a matrix of "n choose k" binomial coefficients: see nchoose1234.


julia> nCk = SNaQ.nchoose1234(5)
6×4 Matrix{Int64}:
 0   0   0  0
 1   0   0  0
 2   1   0  0
 3   3   1  0
 4   6   4  1
 5  10  10  5

julia> SNaQ.quartetrank([1,2,3,4], nCk)

julia> SNaQ.quartetrank([3,4,5,6], nCk)
readInputData(trees, quartetfile, whichQuartets, numQuartets, writetable, tablename, writeQfile, writesummary)
readInputData(trees, whichQuartets, numQuartets, taxonlist,   writetable, tablename, writeQfile, writesummary)

Read gene trees and calculate the observed quartet concordance factors (CF), that is, the proportion of genes (and the number of genes) that display each quartet for a given list of four-taxon sets.


  • trees: name of a file containing a list of input gene trees, or vector of trees (HybridNetwork objects)

Optional arguments (defaults):

  • quartetfile: name of a file containing a list of quartets, or more precisely, a list of four-taxon sets
  • whichQuartets (:all): which quartets to sample. :all for all of them, :rand for a random sample.
  • numQuartets: number of quartets in the sample. default: total number of quartets if whichQuartets=:all and 10% of total if whichQuartets=:rand
  • taxonlist (all in the input gene trees): If taxonlist is used, whichQuartets will consist of all sets of 4 taxa in the taxonlist.
  • writetable (true): write the table of observed CF?
  • tablename ("tableCF.txt"): if writetable is true, the table of observed CFs is write to file tablename
  • writeQfile (false): write intermediate file with sampled quartets?
  • writesummary (true): write a summary file? if so, the summary will go in file "summaryTreesQuartets.txt".

Uses calculateObsCFAll!, which implements a slow algorithm.

See also: countquartetsintrees, which uses a much faster algorithm; readTrees2CF, which is basically a re-naming of readInputData, and readTableCF to read a table of quartet CFs directly.


Read a text file with a list of trees/networks in parenthetical format (one tree per line) and transform them like readTopologyLevel1 does: to be unrooted, with resolved polytomies, missing branch lengths set to 1.0, etc. See PhyloNetworks.readMultiTopology to read multiple trees or networks with no modification.

Output: array of HybridNetwork objects.

Each line starting with "(" will be considered as describing one topology. The file can have extra lines that are ignored.

readSnaqNetwork(output file)

Read the estimated network from a .out file generated by snaq!. The network score is read also, and stored in the network's field .loglik.

Warning: despite the name "loglik", this score is only proportional to the network's pseudo-deviance: the lower, the better. Do NOT use this score to calculate an AIC or BIC (etc.) value.

readTableCF!(data frame, columns; mergerows=false)

Read in quartet CFs from data frame, assuming information is in columns numbered columns, of length 7 or 8: 4 taxon labels then 3 CFs then ngenes possibly.

If some species appears more than once in the same 4-taxon set (e.g. t1,t1,t2,t3), then the data frame is modified to remove rows (4-taxon sets) that are uninformative about between-species relationships. This situation may occur if multiple individuals are sampled from the same species. A 4-taxon set is uninformative (and its row is removed) if one taxon is repeated 3 or 4 times (like t1,t1,t1,t1 or t1,t2,t2,t2). The list of species appearing twice in some 4-taxon sets is stored in the output DataCF object. For these species, the length of their external edge is identifiable (in coalescent units). If multiple rows correspond to the same 4-taxon set, these rows are merged and their CF values (and number of genes) are averaged. If none of the species is repeated within any 4-taxon set, then this averaging is attempted only if mergerows is true.

readTableCF!(DataCF, data frame, columns)

Modify the .quartet.obsCF values in the DataCF object with those read from the data frame in columns numbered columns. columns should have 3 columns numbers for the 3 CFs in this order: 12_34, 13_24 and 14_23.


  • same 4-taxon sets in DataCF and in the data frame, and in the same order, but this assumption is not checked (for speed, e.g. during bootstrapping).
  • one single row per 4-taxon set (multiple individuals representatives of the same 4-taxon set should have been already merged); basically: the DataCF should have been created from the data frame by readTableCF!(df, colums)
readTableCF(data frame)
readTableCF!(data frame)

Read a file or DataFrame object containing a table of concordance factors (CF), with one row per 4-taxon set. The first 4 columns are assumed to give the labels of the 4 taxa in each set (tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4). Columns containing the CFs are assumed to be named CF12_34, CF13_24 and CF14_23; or CF12.34, CF13.24 and CF14.23; or else are assumed to be columns 5,6,7. If present, a column named 'ngenes' will be used to get the number of loci used to estimate the CFs for each 4-taxon set.

Output: DataCF object

Optional arguments:

  • summaryfile: if specified, a summary file will be created with that name.
  • delim (for the first form only): to specify how columns are delimited, with single quotes: delim=';'. Default is a csv file, i.e. delim=','.
  • mergerows: false by default. When true, will attempt to merge multiple rows corresponding to the same four-taxon set (by averaging their quartet CFs) even if none of the species is repeated within any row (that is, in any set of 4 taxa)

The last version modifies the input data frame, if species are represented by multiple alleles for instance (see readTableCF!(data frame, columns)).

readTopologyLevel1(parenthetical format)

same as readTopology, reads a tree or network from parenthetical format, but this function enforces the necessary conditions for any starting topology in SNaQ: non-intersecting cycles, no polytomies, unrooted. It sets any missing branch length to 1.0.

If the network has a bad diamond II (in which edge lengths are γ's are not identifiable) and if the edge below this diamond has a length t different from 0, then this length is set back to 0 and the major parent hybrid edge is lengthened by t.

readTrees2CF(vector of trees)

Read trees in parenthetical format from a file, or take a vector of trees already read, and calculate the proportion of these trees having a given quartet (concordance factor: CF), for all quartets or for a sample of quartets. Optional arguments include:

  • quartetfile: name of text file with list of 4-taxon subsets to be analyzed. If none is specified, the function will list all possible 4-taxon subsets.
  • whichQ="rand": to choose a random sample of 4-taxon subsets
  • numQ: size of random sample (ignored if whichQ is not set to "rand")
  • writeTab=false: does not write the observedCF to a table (default true)
  • CFfile: name of file to save the observedCF (default tableCF.txt)
  • writeQ=true: save intermediate files with the list of all 4-taxon subsets and chosen random sample (default false).
  • writeSummary: write descriptive stats of input data (default: true)
  • nexus: if true, it assumes the gene trees are written in nexus file (default: false)

See also: countquartetsintrees, which uses a much faster algorithm; readTableCF to read a table of quartet CFs directly.

sameTaxa(Quartet, HybridNetwork)

Return true if all taxa in the quartet are represented in the network, false if one or more taxa in the quartet does not appear in the network.

warning: the name can cause confusion. A more appropriate name might be "in", or "taxain", or "taxonsubset", or etc.

sampleCFfromCI(data frame, seed=0)
sampleCFfromCI!(data frame, seed=0)

Read a data frame containing CFs and their credibility intervals, and sample new obsCF uniformly within the CIs. These CFs are then rescaled to sum up to 1 for each 4-taxon sets. Return a data frame with taxon labels in first 4 columns, sampled obs CFs in columns 5-7 and credibility intervals in columns 8-13.

  • The non-modifying function creates a new data frame (with re-ordered columns) and returns it. If seed=-1, the new df is a deep copy of the input df, with no call to the random number generator. Otherwise, seed is passed to the modifying function.
  • The modifying function overwrites the input data frame with the sampled CFs and returns it. If seed=0, the random generator is seeded from the clock. Otherwise the random generator is seeded using seed.

Warning: the modifying version does not check the data frame: assumes correct columns.

optional argument: delim=',' by default: how columns are delimited.

setGammaBLfromGammaz!(node, network)

Update the γ values of the two sister hybrid edges in a bad diamond I, given the gammaz values of their parent nodes, and update the branch lengths t1 and t2 of their parent edges (those across from the hybrid nodes), in such a way that t1=t2 and that these branch lengths and γ values are consistent with the gammaz values in the network.

Similar to the first section of undoGammaz!, but does not update anything else than γ and t's. Unlike undoGammaz!, no error if non-hybrid node or not at bad diamond I.

setLength!(edge, newlength)`

Set the length of edge, and set edge.y and edge.z accordingly. Warning: specific to SNaQ.jl. Consider PhyloNetworks.setlengths! for a more generic tool.

  • The new length is censored to 10: if the new length is above 10, the edge's length will be set to 10. Lengths are interpreted in coalescent units, and 10 is close to infinity: near perfect gene tree concordance. 10 is used as an upper limit to coalescent units that can be reliably estimated.
  • The new length is allowed to be negative, but must be greater than -log(1.5), to ensure that the major quartet concordance factor (1 - 2/3 exp(-length)) is >= 0.


Set non-identifiable edge branch lengths to -1.0 (i.e. missing) for a level-1 network net, except for edges in

  • a good triangle: the edge below the hybrid is constrained to 0.
  • a bad diamond II: the edge below the hybrid is constrained to 0
  • a bad diamond I: the edges across from the hybrid node have non identifiable lengths but are kept, because the two γ*(1-exp(-t)) values are identifiable.

will break if inCycle attributes are not initialized (at -1) or giving a correct node number.

see PhyloNetworks.Node for the meaning of boolean attributes isBadTriangle (which corresponds to a "good" triangle above), isBadDiamondI and isBadDiamondII.

snaq!(T::HybridNetwork, d::DataCF)

Estimate the network (or tree) to fit observed quartet concordance factors (CFs) stored in a DataCF object, using maximum pseudo-likelihood. A level-1 network is assumed. The search starts from topology T, which can be a tree or a network with no more than hmax hybrid nodes. The function name ends with ! because it modifies the CF data d by updating its attributes expCF: CFs expected under the network model. It does not modify T. The quartet pseudo-deviance is the negative log pseudo-likelihood, up to an additive constant, such that a perfect fit corresponds to a deviance of 0.0.


  • estimated network in file .out (also in .log): best network overall and list of networks from each individual run.
  • the best network and modifications of it, in file .networks. All networks in this file have the same undirected topology as the best network, but have different hybrid/gene flow directions. These other networks are reported with their pseudo-likelihood scores, because non-identifiability issues can cause them to have very similar scores, and because SNaQ was shown to estimate the undirected topology accurately but not the direction of hybridization in cases of near non-identifiability.
  • if any error occurred, file .err provides information (seed) to reproduce the error.

There are many optional arguments, including

  • hmax (default 1): maximum number of hybridizations allowed
  • verbose (default false): if true, print information about the numerical optimization
  • runs (default 10): number of independent starting points for the search
  • outgroup (default none): outgroup taxon to root the estimated topology at the very end
  • filename (default "snaq"): root name for the output files (.out, .err). If empty (""), files are not created, progress log goes to the screen only (standard out).
  • seed (default 0 to get it from the clock): seed to replicate a given search
  • probST (default 0.3): probability to start from T at each given run. With problability 1-probST, the search is started from an NNI modification of T along a tree edge with no hybrid neighbor, with a possible modification of one reticulation if T has one.
  • updateBL (default true): If true and if T is a tree, the branch lengths in T are first optimized roughly with updateBL! by using the average CF of all quartets defining each branch and back-calculating the coalescent units.

The following optional arguments control when to stop the optimization of branch lengths and γ's on each individual candidate network. Defaults are in parentheses:

  • ftolRel (1e-6) and ftolAbs (1e-6): relative and absolute differences of the network score between the current and proposed parameters,
  • xtolRel (1e-2) and xtolAbs (1e-3): relative and absolute differences between the current and proposed parameters.

Greater values will result in a less thorough but faster search. These parameters are used when evaluating candidate networks only. The following optional arguments control when to stop proposing new network topologies:

  • Nfail (75): maximum number of times that new topologies are proposed and rejected (in a row).
  • liktolAbs (1e-6): the proposed network is accepted if its score is better than the current score by at least liktolAbs.

Lower values of Nfail and greater values of liktolAbs and ftolAbs would result in a less thorough but faster search.

At the end, branch lengths and γ's are optimized on the last "best" network with different and very thorough tolerance parameters: 1e-12 for ftolRel, 1e-10 for ftolAbs, xtolRel, xtolAbs.

See also: topologyMaxQPseudolik! to optimize parameters on a fixed topology, and topologyQPseudolik! to get the deviance (pseudo log-likelihood up to a constant) of a fixed topology with fixed parameters.

Reference: Claudia Solís-Lemus and Cécile Ané (2016). Inferring phylogenetic networks with maximum pseudolikelihood under incomplete lineage sorting. PLoS Genetics 12(3):e1005896


Sort a vector of strings taxa, numerically if elements can be parsed as an integer, alphabetically otherwise.

sorttaxa!(DataFrame, columns)

Reorder the 4 taxa and reorders the observed concordance factors accordingly, on each row of the data frame. If columns is ommitted, taxon names are assumed to be in columns 1-4 and CFs are assumed to be in columns 5-6 with quartets in this order: 12_34, 13_24, 14_23. Does not reorder credibility interval values, if present.

sorttaxa!(Quartet, permutation_tax, permutation_cf)

Reorder the 4 taxa in each element of the DataCF quartet. For a given Quartet, reorder the 4 taxa in its fields taxon and qnet.quartetTaxon (if non-empty) and reorder the 3 concordance values accordingly, in obsCF and qnet.expCF.

permutation_tax and permutation_cf should be vectors of short integers (Int8) of length 4 and 3 respectively, whose memory allocation gets reused. Their length is not checked.

qnet.names is unchanged: the order of taxon names here relates to the order of nodes in the network (???)



function to summarize the information contained in a DataCF object. It has the following optional arguments:

  • filename: if provided, the summary will be saved in the filename, not to screen
  • pc (number between (0,1)): threshold of percentage of missing genes to identify 4-taxon subsets with fewer genes than the threshold
taxadiff(Vector{Quartet}, network; multiplealleles=true)
taxadiff(DataCF, network; multiplealleles=true)

Return 2 vectors:

  • taxa in at least 1 of the quartets but not in the network, and
  • taxa in the network but in none of the quartets.

When multiplealleles is true, the taxon names that end with "__2" are ignored in the quartets: they are not expected to appear in the networks that users give as input, or get as output.


topologyMaxQPseudolik!(net::HybridNetwork, d::DataCF)

Estimate the branch lengths and inheritance probabilities (γ's) for a given network topology. The network is not modified, only the object d is, with updated expected concordance factors.

Ouput: new network, with optimized parameters (branch lengths and gammas). The maximized quartet pseudo-deviance is the negative log pseudo-likelihood, up to an additive constant, such that a perfect fit corresponds to a deviance of 0.0. This is also an attribute of the network, which can be accessed with net.loglik.

Optional arguments (default value):

  • verbose (false): if true, information on the numerical optimization is printed to screen
  • ftolRel (1e-5), ftolAbs (1e-6), xtolRel (1e-3), xtolAbs (1e-4): absolute and relative tolerance values for the pseudo-deviance function and the parameters

topologyQPseudolik!(net::HybridNetwork, d::DataCF)

Calculate the quartet pseudo-deviance of a given network/tree for DataCF d. This is the negative log pseudo-likelihood, up to an additive constant, such that a perfect fit corresponds to a deviance of 0.0.

Be careful if the net object does not have all internal branch lengths specified because then the pseudolikelihood will be meaningless.

The loglik attribute of the network is undated, and d is updated with the expected concordance factors under the input network.

updateContainRoot!(HybridNetwork, Node)
traverseContainRoot!(Node, Edge, edges_changed::Array{Edge,1}, rightDir::Vector{Bool})

The input node to updateContainRoot! must be a hybrid node (can come from searchHybridNode). updateContainRoot! starts at the input node and calls traverseContainRoot!, which traverses the network recursively. By default, containRoot attributes of edges are true. Changes containRoot to false for all the visited edges: those below the input node, but not beyond any other hybrid node.

updateContainRoot! Returns a flag and an array of edges whose containRoot has been changed from true to false. flag is false if the set of edges to place the root is empty

In traverseContainRoot!, rightDir turns false if hybridizations have incompatible directions (vector of length 1, to be modified).


  • does not update containRoot of minor hybrid edges.
  • assumes correct isMajor attributes: to stop the recursion at minor hybrid edges.
  • assumes correct hybrid attributes of both nodes & edges: to check if various hybridizations have compatible directions. For each hybrid node that is encountered, checks if it was reached via a hybrid edge (ok) or tree edge (not ok).

rightDir: vector of length 1 boolean, to be mutable and modified by the function


Return a vector of HybridNetwork objects, obtained by switching the placement of each hybrid node to other nodes inside its cycle. This amounts to changing the direction of a gene flow event (recursively to move around the whole cycle of each reticulation).

Optional argument: outgroup, as a String. If an outgroup is specified, then networks conflicting with the placement of the root are avoided.

Assumptions: net is assumed to be of level 1, that is, each blob has a single cycle with a single reticulation. All level-1 fields of net are assumed up-to-date.


julia> net = readTopology("(A:1.0,((B:1.1,#H1:0.2::0.2):1.2,(((C:0.52,(E:0.5)#H2:0.02::0.7):0.6,(#H2:0.01::0.3,F:0.7):0.8):0.9,(D:0.8)#H1:0.3::0.8):1.3):0.7):0.1;");
julia> vnet = undirectedOtherNetworks(net)
undoGammaz!(node, network)

Undo updateGammaz! for the 2 cases: bad diamond I,II. node should be a hybrid node. Set length to edges that were not identifiable and change edges' gammaz attribute to -1.0. Recalculate branch lengths in terms of gammaz. warning: needs to know incycle attributes

updateBL!(net::HybridNetwork, d::DataCF)

Update internal branch lengths of net based on the average quartet concordance factor (CF) across all quartets that exactly correspond to a given branch: new branch length = -log(3/2(1-mean(CF observed in d))). net is assumed to be a tree, such that the above equation holds.

updateContainRoot!(HybridNetwork, Node)
traverseContainRoot!(Node, Edge, edges_changed::Array{Edge,1}, rightDir::Vector{Bool})

The input node to updateContainRoot! must be a hybrid node (can come from searchHybridNode). updateContainRoot! starts at the input node and calls traverseContainRoot!, which traverses the network recursively. By default, containRoot attributes of edges are true. Changes containRoot to false for all the visited edges: those below the input node, but not beyond any other hybrid node.

updateContainRoot! Returns a flag and an array of edges whose containRoot has been changed from true to false. flag is false if the set of edges to place the root is empty

In traverseContainRoot!, rightDir turns false if hybridizations have incompatible directions (vector of length 1, to be modified).


  • does not update containRoot of minor hybrid edges.
  • assumes correct isMajor attributes: to stop the recursion at minor hybrid edges.
  • assumes correct hybrid attributes of both nodes & edges: to check if various hybridizations have compatible directions. For each hybrid node that is encountered, checks if it was reached via a hybrid edge (ok) or tree edge (not ok).

rightDir: vector of length 1 boolean, to be mutable and modified by the function

writeTableCF(vector of Quartet objects)

Build a DataFrame containing observed quartet concordance factors, with columns named:

  • t1, t2, t3, t4 for the four taxon names in each quartet
  • CF12_34, CF13_24, CF14_23 for the 3 quartets of a given four-taxon set
  • ngenes if this information is available for some quartets
writeTableCF(quartetlist::Vector{QuartetT} [, taxonnames]; colnames)

Convert a vector of QuartetT objects to a data frame, with 1 row for each four-taxon set in the list. Each four-taxon set contains quartet data of some type T, which determines the number of columns in the data frame. This data type T should be a vector of length 3 or 4, or a 3×n matrix.

In the output data frame, the columns are, in this order:

  • qind: contains the quartet's number
  • t1, t2, t3, t4: contain the quartet's taxonnumbers if no taxonnames are given, or the taxon names otherwise. The name of taxon number i is taken to be taxonnames[i].
  • 3 columns for each column in the quartet's data. The first 3 columns are named CF12_34, CF13_24, CF14_23. The next columns are named V2_12_34, V2_13_24, V2_14_23 and contain the data in the second column of the quartet's data matrix. And so on. For the data frame to have non-default column names, provide the desired 3, 4, or 3×n names as a vector via the optional argument colnames.


Write the extended Newick parenthetical format of a level-1 network object with many optional arguments (see below). Makes a deep copy of net: does not modify net.

  • di=true: write in format for Dendroscope (default false)
  • namelabel=true: If namelabel is true, taxa are labelled by their names;

otherwise taxa are labelled by their numbers (unique identifiers).

  • outgroup (string): name of outgroup to root the tree/network. if "none" is given, the root is placed wherever possible.
  • printID=true, only print branch lengths for identifiable egdes according to the snaq estimation procedure (default false) (true inside of snaq!.)
  • round: rounds branch lengths and heritabilities γ (default: true)
  • digits: digits after the decimal place for rounding (defult: 3)
  • string: if true (default), returns a string, otherwise returns an IOBuffer object.
  • multall: (default false). set to true when there are multiple alleles per population.

The topology may be written using a root different than net.root, if net.root is incompatible with one of more hybrid node. Missing hybrid names are written as "#Hi" where "i" is the hybrid node number if possible.
