TICR pipeline with SLURM

The original set of Perl scripts from the TICR pipeline are well suited for a machine or a cluster of machines without a job scheduler. The scripts automatically parallelize the work across the available cores.

In this section, we present the “slurm” pipeline: well suited for a cluster where users submit jobs via a job scheduler like SLURM or SGE. The job scheduler does the work of parallelizing the work across available cores. The scripts, in this second pipeline, were created to take full advantage of job scheduler capabilities. They were developed for a cluster running SLURM. Adjustments to the submit scripts will be needed, to adapt to your own SLURM configuration or to the syntax that your job scheduler wants.

To get these scripts, we need to git clone the original TICR repo. The slurm scripts are in the scripts-cluster folder:

git clone https://github.com/nstenz/TICR.git

To run MrBayes: we already have alignments

SLURM will parallelize the MrBayes runs across genes.

  1. Navigate in some “working” directory where you place:
    • a folder containing all nexus files, which we will call “nexusfolder” below
    • a text file named mb-block.txt with the MrBayes block to be used for all the genes (containing the options for MrBayes: model of sequence evolution, number of generations etc.). If we want a different MrBayes block for different genes, step 2 should be skipped, and we should instead find some other way to put the specific MrBayes block at the end of each nexus file.
  2. In the “working” directory above, run the julia script paste-mb-block.jl with “nexusfolder” as argument, to tell the script where to find all the nexus files:

    julia path/to/paste-mb-block.jl nexusfolder

    This script will read all the nexus files in the directory nexusfolder, will create a new directory nexusfolder-block, and will create new nexus files (containing the MrBayes block found in file mb-block.txt) as 1.nex, 2.nex, ... in the new directory. A translate.txt file will also be created to map the original gene file names to the new (numbered) file names. If we named our MrBayes block file differently: we can edit the script and modify it to replace mb-block.txt by our actual file name for the MrBayes block.

  3. Modify the submit script mb-slurm-submit.sh, which will parallelize all the individual-gene MrBayes runs with SLURM:

    • change --array to the correct number of genes
    • change --mail-user to the user’s email (if this is an option for your job scheduler)
    • replace the /workspace/software/bin in PATH="/workspace/software/bin:$PATH" to the path where the mb executable is located or put the whole path in the command: /s/mrbayes-3.2.6-1/bin/mb

    In slurm, we can then submit the MrBayes array job with:

    sbatch mb-slurm-submit.sh

With this slurm pipeline, the steps below are needed: keep reading.

To run mbsum on the output of MrBayes for each gene

If we have the output of MrBayes and want to run BUCKy, we must first run mbsum on the output from MrBayes, separately for each gene.

For a gene with output tree files named gene1.run1.t, gene1.run2.t and gene1.run3.t, and a desired burnin of 1000 trees per tree file, we do this:

mbsum -n 1000 -o gene1.in gene1.run1.t gene1.run2.t gene1.run3.t

This mbsum command will need to be executed for each gene. Then we can continue to the next section to run bucky.

Alternatively, we can use the julia script mbsum-t-files.jl, and give it as argument the directory that has the output tree files from MrBayes, to run mbsum for all the genes. mbsum is fast, so there is no attempt to parallelize the various mbsum commands.

julia mbsum-t-files.jl mbfolder outputfolder burnin                # or
julia --color=yes -- mbsum-t-files.jl mbfolder outputfolder burnin # for colorized messages to the screen

where burnin is replaced by the number of trees to ignore in each tree file for burnin. This burnin argument is optional (default: 2501). The outputfolder will contain the output of mbsum.

To run bucky on all 4-taxon sets: we already have the mbsum output

We want to run bucky on every 4-taxon set. SLURM will parallelize these jobs with the submit script bucky-slurm-submit.sh, which calls the perl script bucky-slurm.pl.

The perl script bucky-slurm.pl runs bucky on a single 4-taxon set. It takes the following arguments, which must be modified in the submit script bucky-slurm-submit.sh:

  • name of the folder containing the mbsum output files (one per locus) from previous step. This folder is named mbsum in the submit script: adapt if needed.
  • output name: -o or --out-dir name of the directory to store output files in. This option is not used in the default submit script
  • bucky arguments: -a or --alpha for the prior alpha value, and -n or --ngen number of generations. These options are not used either, in the script: the defaults are used then (α=1, 1 million generations)
  • integer for the given quartet, via option -q. The quartet ID is specified by SLURM with its own array ID: $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.

In the submit script that gives instructions to the job scheduler:

  • adapt the name of the $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID variable, which captures the task number in the array of tasks, to your scheduler syntax
  • change --array to the correct number of 4-taxon sets. For example, if there are 15 taxa in the dataset, there are 1365 4-taxon sets. To get this number, if you are unsure, use choose(15,4) in R or binomial(15,4) in Julia, but replace 15 by your actual number of individuals.
  • change --mail-user to the user’s email (if this is an option for your job scheduler)
  • replace the /workspace/software/bin in PATH="/workspace/software/bin:$PATH" by the path where the bucky executable is located. Also, replace /workspace/claudia/software/TICR/scripts/ by the full path where the bucky-slurm.pl script is located.

In slurm, we would submit the BUCKy array job with:

sbatch bucky-slurm-submit.sh

At the end, the array job will produce

  • a .concordance file for every 4-taxon set
  • a .cf file with the parsed output for that same 4-taxon set, in the format needed for the final CF table.

The .cf files can be concatenated to produce the file containing the quartet concordance factors across all 4-taxon sets, to give to SNaQ as input:

cat *.cf > CFtable.csv

Alternatively, if the list of .cf files is not easily captured by *.cf (because the list is too long for a shell command), the following julia script can do the concatenation. Just copy-paste the commands below within a Julia session, started from the directory that contains the .cf files:

files = String[] # empty vector of strings: will contain the .cf file names later
for f in filter(x -> endswith(x, ".cf"), readdir())
println("found $(length(files)) cf files") # to check how many .cf output files were found
open("CFtable.csv","w") do f_out
  # write the header:
  write(f_out, "taxon1,taxon2,taxon3,taxon4,CF12_34,CF12_34_lo,CF12_34_hi,CF13_24,CF13_24_lo,CF13_24_hi,CF14_23,CF14_23_lo,CF14_23_hi,ngenes\n")
  for file in files
    @show file # to see the .cf file name: comment this out if that's too much screen output
    open(file) do f_in
        line = read(f_in, String)
        write(f_out, string(line,"\n"))
    end # closes "file" safely
end # closes "CFtable.csv" safely

When this is done, we will have a file CFtable.csv containing the quartet concordance factors, to give to SNaQ as input.

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